Part 7

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I finally finished my well-made coffee - it was nice and sweet, just how I like it. MiA had left me to get dressed while he played with his cats - he had one little grey kitten and one bigger ginger cat, and they both seemed to love him. Seeing him mess around with the cats made me smile so much. I finally got out of bed, looking around for my clothes. Nowhere to be seen!

"MiA-san? M-m-my clothes..." I seemed to be getting slightly more comfortable with talking to him already.

"Ah!" His face lit up as I peered my head around the door, "Sorry, I forgot, I washed them for you! They're still wet right now... you can borrow my clothes!"

He pranced into the bedroom, and I noticed him try to discreetly glance at my body as he walked past. He opened his wardrobe, bringing his hand to his mouth and chewing on his nail as he pondered about what to give me to wear, slouching onto one leg and looking hard. Finally, he pulled out a big black jumper with a large hood, and white writing across it saying, "SEX POT REVENGE". He then found a pair of dark, loose leggings to go with it.

"The jumper is a bit big... but I like it because it's soft and comfortable and I'm sure you will too!" He smiled sweetly at me as he spoke. Ah, he's so beautiful.

He folded them up and placed them neatly on the end of the bed, finding me a pair of slippers also, before walking out the room calling,

"Come join me when you're dressed!"

I walked towards the clothes, holding the jumper up against me, and smiling at the size of it. This will be a dress on me! When I had put on the clothes, I walked up to the full body length mirror and smiled out of amusement at how baggy the clothes were. The jumper was a dress on me, but I loved it anyway. I pulled the hood over my head, and it covered my eyes as it was so dramatically oversized. I then hugged my arms around me, almost going dizzy with happiness as I breathed in the guitarist's scent. Then, I slipped my feet into the fluffy slippers, and timidly crept up to the door, opening it slowly and peering into the living space. The room was very, very spacious, and well decorated. It seemed to have more of a European feel to it which felt nice as it was different to my apartment. The floors were wooden, and the walls were a light blue colour. In one corner, near a large set of windows overlooking the street below, were about 8 electric guitars and 2 acoustic guitars, all stood or hung around a stack of different amps and other interesting pieces of equipment. There also stood a small keyboard, and a desk nearby, covered with paperwork, guitar music and a modern laptop which I guessed he used to help him compose music. He was a really clever man. In the middle of the room stood a small coffee table in front of a sofa, with space for two, and that sofa faced the large flat screen TV which hung on the wall.

Shyly, stepped into the room, fiddling with the hem of my jumper and looking around in amazement and curiosity. A playful little kitten ran between my feet, startling me for a second, before it ran through a tall arch which had a delicious smell coming from it. I followed the kitten through the arch, and it led me to the kitchen, however unlike the rest of the apartment, it was small and cramped. MiA was stood in there, pouring noodles into two bowls, adding an assortment of colourful vegetables to the bowls and neatly chopped up pork, finishing it with a light dash of soy sauce.

"I hope you're not vegetarian... and I hope you don't think my food tastes horrible! You must be so hungry! You can't have eaten since yesterday... but we only had a small lunch then!"

He was right - I was starving. He carefully handed me a bowl of food and I accepted it happily, following him as he made his way towards the sofa, and he gestured for me to sit down. I complied, and he switched on the TV. We watched a music channel for a while as we slurped up our noodles in silence. A girl was presenting the channel and giving music updates about the latest Visual Kei news, talking about new releases, tour dates for multiple bands and magazines.

I.. I love you! (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now