Part 6

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Tsuzuku raised a hand, and I wondered what he was doing as he clicked his fingers, making makeup artists rush to work on me. Since when has he had that much control over the staff? I laughed at how proud of himself he was - as he usually isn't so organised. My makeup was completely redone, and I had to promise not to cry again until the end of the show. Finally we were all ready again. It took us a bit more than half an hour, but the fans didn't mind one bit. The stage was lit up again, I was first to run on, bouncing up to my drums and giggling with Ruana in my arms. My happiness was uncontrollable now, and the band set to work - immediately playing music and putting on an amazing performance.

Just one hour left to go...

MiA, oh MiA, so beautiful. He had one leg resting on an amp, his tight leather shorts looked so... tight. And they revealed his perfectly toned thighs. Every few minutes I found myself glancing at him, admiring his slender body and the effort he was putting in with his guitar. A true guitar legend. We were all getting tired now, our final song would be 'Emily' - a slow song about a beautiful girl who broke Tsuzuku's heart many years ago. It was slow and relaxing - no head banging - and I think that made us all glad because we were completely exhausted. Tsuzuku was being well behaved, he didn't touch MiA and he managed to sing the entire song without altering any of the original plans.

Towards the end of the song, when I could finally finish playing my drums, Tsuzuku approached Koichi, wrapping his arms around the bassist and singing into his ear, with the microphone also pressed again his mouth - it looked pretty uncomfortable to be completely honest. I noticed a pair of blue eyes looking my way, and the guitarist, who was sweating and out of breath, smiled at me mouthing the final lyrics to the song as Tsuzuku huskily whispered: "Emily, because I love you."

I had never blushed so hard in my life. The lights all went out, and the screaming of the fans started: a roar of our names being said at the same time as we slowly tried to get off of the stage and back into the meeting room. The light in there seemed blinding compared to the dimly lit stage, and I stumbled over to one of the plastic chairs to rest my weary body. I yawned, letting my mouth open wide.

"Tired, Meto-kun?"

MiA appeared behind me, his hair damp and his makeup beginning to run. He undid my dress slightly at the back, making me freeze up with shock and nerves, but in the end I let him, of course. He then massaged my shoulders, which felt amazing. (It had been a while since I'd had a massage) I giggled as he told me how tense I was and how I needed to stop working so hard. Koichi sat opposite me on a seat, letting his long legs stretch out. He smiled at me and MiA, chuckling,

"MiA-san, I didn't know you could be so romantic! You always seem so serious!"

The bassist then stretched his long arms into the air, sighing and groaning as his joints clicked and stretched.

"I hate being so tall sometimes... I definitely don't fit in with Japan."

What makes him not fit in is his fashion sense, not his height. MiA replied while digging his fingers into my aching back,

"I envy you Koichi-san, you suit so many crazy outfits, yet mine are more plain and boring."

"I envy your energy, MiA-san. You've just been playing a guitar for hours and now you're giving a massage?!"

"Meto deserves it!"

Tsuzuku made a loud entrance into the room, congratulating us on how well the tour went and thanking us for our cooperation. We were to have an after-event party tomorrow evening to celebrate how well we did.

After Tsuzuku had finished loudly exclaiming his joy, MiA decided it was time to leave,

"Where's Ito-san? Do we need to fill in any papers because of Meto's accident? Does he want to see us?"

I.. I love you! (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now