A ride to Remember

442 13 14

Warning: Character Death :)


The sun was bright and warm as it showed through the white curtains. Chuuya threw an arm over his eyes with a groan as he rolled over. Through his barely lidded eyes he saw Dazai. What a rare occasion, to see him sleep past Chuuya. The sweet feeling of sleep was pushed away as Chuuya brought a hand to the other's face. The brunette flinched at the touch, eyes still closed. Chuuya took it in, steady breaths and settled eyelashes, peaceful and safe. It didn't last long once the ginger moved his hand away, the loss of warmth fluttering open warm brown eyes. Chuuya could get lost on them so often.

"Morning." His voice was small as it carried the weight of slumber. Soft smile adorned their faces, "What time is it?" It seemed more like a slur of words, but Chuuya could make it out.

He looked over his shoulder for the answer, eyes blinded in the sun once again before fixation on the clock in the nightstand, "9:40." Dazai groaned and rolled over.

"Plenty to do today." He said more to himself followed by a yawn.

Getting ready didn't take long, at least for Dazai. Chuuya, who had each of his outfits picked for each day, still didn't know what to wear. He settled on the outfit he had planned for the day after 15 minutes of questioning it. They left the hotel at 10:40 after showering and getting dressed. They stopped at a little bakery and got coffee and a small snack. Chuuya with a black americano and bagel, and Dazai with a mocha caramel frappuccino and blueberry muffin.

"I'll never understand how you start your day with a shot of sugar." Chuuya said, rolling his eyes.

"I try to enjoy what I can, unlike your strong shot of energy." Dazai shot back. He took a sip of the sugary drink with a smile, "Where's the first place we're going anyway?" He asked as they walked the busy streets.

"The Aichi Museum of Art, and then the Nagoya War museum. " He read from his phone, notes and plans jotted down in his notes.


By the time they were done with the two museums, they looked for a place to eat something. It was 2:40 and they decided on a modern Japanese restaurant around the corner. Chuuya deciding on champon and Dazai ordering ginger pork.

Soon they headed to their next destination on the other side of the city, and called a cab.

"Where to now slug?" The taller said as he laid back into the seat of the cab.

Chuua sent him a light punch as he opened his notes, "The Yamazaki Mazak museum, another art museum."

"And after that?"

"I'm starting to get the feeling you don't want to be here with me." Chuuya said playfully.

Dazai sighed and leaned on the ginger. "Of course I do, but museums can be so boring!" He said with a pout.

A light laugh escaped from the shorter, "You agreed to this."

"Yeah, Yeah I know. What's the one after that other one?" He asked as he looked at the notes.

Chuuya was quiet for a moment as he looked through the jotted thoughts, "The Nishinimaro Okaru History Museum. It's the last one, then we can head back and do whatever you want I guess." He answered.

"Oooh whatever I want, how fun."

"You know what I mean, stop being weird." He said with a hit to Dazai's side.

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