The Blade Twists

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Chuuya couldn't stand it, couldn't stand him, so why did every thought of him leave him breathless and smiling. Deep down he has a guess, or more of a fear of what it could have been, it was torture.

All he could do was avoid him, out of sight out of mind, right? Except the bandaged freak was always on his mind, and it only got worse. He could only avoid him so much when they shared an office, lived next to each other in the Port Mafia's apartment complex, and sat beside each other during every executive meeting.

Nights when he was in his thoughts for too long was the worst. Thoughts, terrible thoughts, of his partner's hand running up and down his sides became too much, and the curiosity of the mysterious bandages covering his body was another thing.

After two and half weeks of this mental bullshit, he came to the realization, that deep down fear...

it was a stupid crush.

How childish. Once he realized it, he could even look the taller boy in the eyes. It really didn't get any better, because his stupid crush was incredibly smart.

"Chibi, you've been avoiding me alot lately?" Chuuya wiped his head around to see Dazai standing in the doorway to their shared office. He walked in, closing and locking the door behind him, Chuuya gulped as he walked towards him, "Why is that?"

"What do you mean? I've been busy, all this executive shit sure came with a bunch of paperwork." Maybe he could lie his way out of it. "No lies you would know, since you never do your paperwork." He thought he was a pretty good liar after all.

"I know why you're lying to me. Chuuya, if there is something we need to talk about, then please don't contain it." A small resemblance of care was in his voice.

"I've been busy Dazai." He continued to look at the paperwork, hoping that the taller boy would just accept it and leave it at that.

Instead, the chair was swiveled around so that they could 'properly see each other', Chuuya yelped at the sudden movement. "Dazai what the hell-" the taller male seemed to cage him on either side of the spinning chair, forcing him to only see him.

"Chuuya." Dazai looked at him dead on, "Please don't lie to me. What's going on?" A warmth spread over the ginger's face, Dazai was entirely too close, all he could do was stare, letting the warmth flood him. He could smell him, and see every detail of his face, small scars barely visible, even smaller freckles dotting his cheeks, which also looked warm. His curled hair looked soft and his lips full, he needed to look away. Dazai leaned closer inspecting the others' faces. "Chuuya." His name sounded so nice as it tumbled from his mouth.

"Dazai...please back off." He attempted to sound even the smallest bit serious and angry, it came out as a weak plea. Dazai was his partner, he didn't need to be anything more.

Dazai stood up, giving Chuuya space. He let out a breath and turned back to his desk. Stay papers , a couple pens and a stapler, all astray on the flat wood. Dazai went behind him and crossed his arms over the other's head, poking into the ginger's work. "Chuuu~ya" He seemed to play with the name.

"Yes, Dazai?" He sighed and signed a paper.

"You're not a very good dog." He said, leaning on him.

"Maybe because I'm not a dog, you mackerel." Chuuya said as he picked up another paper. And there goes the idea of a silly little crush.

"You agreed to this, to be my dog for life." The brunette claimed, walking over to his desk across the room.

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