An Afternoon of Events

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Y/n's POV

After watching that whole debacle everyone flowed out of the Great Hall like a river. I walked alongside Hermione just itching to know what was happening to Harry. But Ron on the other hand left us, sourly stomping somewhere.

Hermione continued on to her Common Room, whereas I headed to the library, hoping to find some solace in the pages of a good novel.

I walked in glancing around at the peace and quiet surrounding me. Absolutely nothing could ruin this. Of course I spoke to soon. As I turned the corner my eyes found Cedric's. He had a nasty grin on his face and devilish eyes staring right at me. My breathing stopped, throat tightening, and I could feel my face becoming pale. My knees became wobbly and my stomach felt like it was sucking itself as far back as it could, suffocating me. Almost collapsing right there and then I used my last bit of energy to stumble out of the library and go to the courtyard for air.

I stepped out and took long deep breaths. Sitting down I began fidgeting with the grass and getting distracted.

"I'll go back to the dorm later, right now I'm just going to lay in the grass," I said out loud laying down. I stared at the clouds and absent mindedly smiled, staring at a specific cloud shape reminding me of a certain cold, curly-haired boy...

Mattheo's POV

I lazily walked back to my dormitory hoping that anything interesting happens. I walked back to the common room and found my friends working on something. They were strange morphing badges each with Cedric's face turning to Potter's, only his said 'Potter Stinks'. I didnt know who's side to be on. Potter was an old rival and Cedric was a new one, but Malfoy and the others didn't know that. So of course they were rooting for Cedric.

"Hey, Riddle want to come join us. We're making cool badges," Blaze said, inviting me over. I looked at everyone, Draco, Blaze, Pansy, Crab, Goyle, and Theo with complete unamusement.
"I'll pass, i'ma take a nap instead," I replied. Everyone nodded but Pansy looked especially upset. Ew, weird, never liked her much.

I walked to my bed and closed the dividing curtains. Reaching into my bag I pulled out Y/n's crinkled drawing of me. I stared at it. I hated her. I hated how she made me feel. How her hair smelt so lovely. How she was incredibly smart. How she was so strong and brave. How she put up a smile when she was hurting. I was envious, but more upset at myself. How could I ever feel anything for her. I can't and I shouldn't.

Her image popped into my brain. Her fierce eyes and feisty temper. Her beautiful hair and style. And fuck those soft lips and that gorgeous body. I could sense the heat rising to my cheeks and my dick suddenly feeling a bit more.... jumpy. How could I sleep with the vision of her still in my head. She owns most of my pleasant dreams, even though I get more bad than good. I'm reminded of her everyday, before bed, before school, at school, even before a fucking shower.
I imagine her in the shower with me, holding me, pleasing me. Myself pleasing her. Its unhealthy how many dirty thoughts of her encapture my brain. The things I want to do to her, with her.


Absently mindedly I began rubbing my pants. Unzipping the fly and opening the button. I quickly grabbed my wand and cast a few charms around me. Invisibility, Sound resistance, stuff like that. Fuck charms is useful.
I slowly pulled down my boxers and unbuttoned my white shirt. Revealing my toned chest and noticeably hard penis. Oof. I gently stroked it letting out a sigh. Cupping my hand around it I pumped up and down.


Y/n's face coming into my head.


Her, doing this to me.


But with her soft mouth.


I couldnt breathe. I let out a low growl like moan. Which slowly turned into loud breaths and silent whimpers.
"Ah, fuck, Y/n. Just like that. Make me- AH! FUCK! Make me cum."
I could already feel the feeling in my stomach. But I kept going pumping and squeezing even harder. By now i was shaking and sweating. My moans ricocheting back from my barriers. I could do this all day, especially thinking about her. I clenched the sheets in my fingers moaning in pure ecstasy, squeezing out all the cum. My breaths became ragged and I had nearly lost my voice. Still breathing heavily I apparated to the bathroom and prepared for a shower. Still thinking about her, when I shouldn't.

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