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Mattheo's POV

I looked down at Y/N her hair, all disheveled. She looked so peaceful and deep in sleep I didn't have the heart to move, though I've been told I don't have a heart. Honestly, I'm starting to believe that too, because it was stolen by a certain someone.
I stood up slowly and steadily trying not to wake her. I put on my underwear and pants and left the closure of the curtain. Theodore was on the bed across reading a book. He looked up with his dead eyes, "had a fun night Riddle?"
"The best," I sighed.
"Yeah? Well I didn't. You couldn't be any quieter I had to put in earplugs, wear ear muffs and throw my blanket over my head. Not to mention my thick curtains!" He complained. I blushed red. I was going to charm the bed but, for the first night I wanted all the Slytherin men to back off, I would assume it worked. I heard a small whisper of my name come from my bed.
"Go Riddle," Theo started, "Moaning Myrtle the Second is calling." He stood up and left the room.

I moved the curtains and she was sitting up yawning.
"Morning Mr. Riddle," she mumbled, drousily.
"Morning love. How are you feeling?"
"Good. You?" I smiled.
"Good." I conjured some water behind my back and held out the glass," I brought you water."
"Yeah, 'brought'," she laughed, knowing I had just conjured it. As she gulped it down I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, lying on the bed taking short puffs. I just kept looking at her, smiling like a fool. A fool absolutely head over heals.
Y/N kept looking at me, cracking up at my expression.

"Why are you so happy?" She asked.
"Because your mine! Because I took your virginity and now no one else can." I kind of jumped and even surprised myself. For the first time in my life I felt the incredible feeling of giddiness and joyful adrenaline, like a sugar rush. But Y/N didn't look very giddy. Her face was a bit puzzled and melancholy. She mumbled,
"But... Cedric..."
"No," I interrupted her. I took her hands in mine, "that doesn't count Puffs. It doesn't bloody count! That lowlife son of a bitch ass whore forced you and it. Will. Never. Count." Trust me. I know.
"Never. No one will ever touch you again and if they try, they will cease to exist," I stood up feeling slightly murderous, "They will be tortured with Crucio so maliciously for as long as they can handle and have there fingers cut off one by one," I started strangling the air, Y/N looked slightly concerned, "then I will gut them slowly and agonizingly and watch them writhe in pain as the life drains out of their eyes." I finished my sentence and turned to Y/N with a smile, content with what I said. That's when I knew we were both fucked up, I smiled after that
- honestly speaking - deranged rampage and she, she smiled too, saying, "how did you just get even more attractive."


He laughed at what I said, taking some more puffs of smoke. He looked so sexy doing it, the way his lips closed around it and his Addams apple bobbed up. Then he'd blow it out and look so...UGHHH!

Then I got thinking... "Mattheo," I hesitantly started, "did..I take your virginity too?" Mattheo's smile faltered and his face dropped. He wasn't meeting my eyes and I wasn't sure if it was because of guilt or sorrow.
"You don't need to tell me Theo," I comforted him. No matter how badly I craved to know, I didn't want to force it out.
"No, it's just. As much as I wish it were you. Unfortunately, it wasn't. Someone else took it, someone who isn't important anymore."
"Who?" He shot me a subtle glare, putting out his cigarette.
"Don't push it Puffs," he warned, sternly. I felt a little hurt at first but then I understood that everyone has a past, everyone has a secret, even me. I sat up and straddled him, teasingly taunting him, "or what? What if I demand to know and that you don't answer..." I pinned his arms to his side, "and I tease you instead," I slowing moved on his lap and he licked his lips. "I guess I won't be saying anything then. Care to shower with me?"
"Certainly," I agreed, I was still going to get it out of him.

One day.

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