Sad Harry Imagine ~Moments

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*Warning: Character Death*

#imagine: There he was. You're beautiful fiance', Harry. He looked just like he always did. Curly hair messy and all over the place, his plump pink lips, and his flawless tan skin. But the best thing was his beautiful green eyes that would sparkle and gleam everytime he saw you, making his smile grow and show off his white teeth. Seeing him like that always brightened up your day and would always make you feel better, no matter what mood you were in. That's how you always wanted to remember him. Not like this. You looked him over one more time before you had to look away because you couldn't take it anymore. His hair seeming lifeless now, his pink lips now a pale white to match with his skin, and his beautiful eyes now closed and shut. Seeing him in this state was killing you inside. You wanted to seem strong for him, cause you knew he wouldn't want to see you like this, but it was like you had no control of what was happening and couldn't do anything to stop it. As the tears came streaming down your cheeks again, you felt a pair of hands on your arms. It was Anne. She rubbed your arms up and down before guiding you both back to your seats. You were seated next to Harry's parents, Gemma and the boys. Everyone else there was a blur. As long as you had these people with you now, that's all that matter at this moment. You watched as each person went up to the open casket, saying their final words to Harry. You're mind went blank and didn't know how to act or what to say. After each person would say their words to Harry, they would come up to you and Anne and say their condolences to you. You appreciated everyone being here and all the words that they had to say. After everyone went up, you wanted to be last but didn't know if you could it anymore or what to say. You sat there for a moment, not being able to move. You wanted to just get up and get it over with, but your legs wouldn't listen to you. You took a deep breath and got up. You walked slowly over to him. The love of your life, your everything. You still couldn't believe he was gone. You didn't know how this could've happened or why anyone would want to do this to him. See, Harry didn't die of natural causes. He was murdered.


The boys were out in New York for the launch of their new album. As they were entering the store, surrounded by mobs of screaming fans, all of a sudden there was a big bang. Everyone fell silent and the next thing you see is Harry standing there with a red stain on his chest, increasing every second passing by. You were in your hotel suite that you shared with Harry, waiting for them to be finished. You were getting the place all ready for Harry's return. Candles everywhere, lights dimmed, a trail of rose petals starting from the door to your bed. You were getting all pumped and excited, patting yourself on the back for the great job you did. You decided to take a warm bath after all of the hard work you just did, to finally relax. Sitting in the warm water calmed you down. You could stay like this forever if you could. After a few minutes drifting off, you were interrupted by your cell phone ringing. You quickly sat up, dried off your hands and grabbed your phone. It was Louis. Oh, one of your best friends and one of the most hilarious guys you've ever met. You pressed the accept button and put the phone on speaker.

Hey, Boo what's up?” You said all cheerily and giddy like.

Hey (y/n), uhm, something happened...” He was being all serious. You quickly sat up and grabbed the phone closer to you.

What's wrong? What happened?!” You said, your mind racing now, not sure what it could be.

It's Harry, he, uhm, he was shot. (y/n), you gotta come to hospital quick! We are all here waiting, not knowing what's going on yet.” His voice cracking as he spoke. You felt tears forming in your eyes. Your whole body went numb, your mouth dry, not knowing what to say or how to react. All you could think about was Harry and hoping he was alright, that this was just a joke and that this wasn't reality. You couldn't imagine anything bad happening to Harry. No, you couldn't and wouldn't. Just try to think positive and hopefully everything will be alright.

Okay, I'm on my way.” Your words quiet and low. You ended the call and quickly hopped out of the tub and threw on anything you could find. You grabbed your keys and purse and darted out of the hotel. You got a cab and told the driver to get to the hospital as fast as he could. The drive took about 15 minutes, but felt like hours. You still couldn't process any of this. As the cab stopped in front of the hospital, you paid the driver and hopped out of the car and rushed inside, trying to find the boys. You looked all around, until you saw them in the waiting room. All the boys were there and Paul. Paul was pacing back and forth, clutching his hands. Louis was leaning against the wall looking up at the ceiling, his eyes red from crying. The other boys were sitting in the chairs with the same reaction. Right when you entered the room, all of them looked over in your direction. You didn't know what to do but rush into Louis' arms and cry. Just pour everything you had in his chest. He held you close to him while rubbing your back. None of them said a word. What could you say in this kind of situation? Nothing, that's what. As you all waited patiently, a doctor came into the room asking for who was with Harry. We all jolted up and gathered around him.

What's happening? Is he going to be okay? Can I see him?” You began rambling with all the questions.

So far, everything is okay. We don't know what's going to happen now. The bullet was very close to his heart and ruptured a few veins. He lost a lot of blood. We are going to keep him overnight though, to see how he's doing. He's in his room now. You could see him, but he might not be awake yet from the surgery.” We all thanked him as he departed. I looked at all the boys, tears streaming down my face again, making my cheeks hard.

You should go see him first. We'll wait.” Paul said as the rest of the boys nodded in agreement. You mouthed a thank you to them and rushed to Harry. You're only concern right now was to see Harry, no matter what. That's all you cared about right now. As you walked up to his room, you didn't know what you were about to walk in on. How he was going to look or if he was going to be covered in wires or anything. As you held back your tears, you opened the door slowly and walked in. He didn't look that bad as you would have thought. He had a wire in his hand, his chest exposed with bandage wrapped around him and a blanket up to his waist. He was sitting up, his head resting back with his hair covering his face. At first you thought he was sleeping, so you didn't want to disturb him. You walked quietly over to him and took a seat next to him. You just sat there staring at him, just glad you were able to see him. You took a hold of his hand and kissed it gently, running your thumb up and down on it. You jumped a little when he turned his head slowly to face you, his face scrunched up from the pain. You felt so bad and wished you could take all of his pain away. He stared back at you with those incredible green orbs that always got to you. He smiled back at you and took a hold of your hands. A smile formed on your face and your tears falling again. Just being here with him, to see him and be with him throughout this just made everything better.

Hey, don't cry, love. I hate to see you like this.” His voice low and husky, as he lifted up his hand and wiped away your tears and rested his hand on your cheek. You just smiled back and placed your hand over his.

“Come.” He said, motioning his head next to him. At first you obliged, not wanting to hurt him, but he insisted. He moved over slowly, holding his weight, his face scrunching up again. You hated seeing him like that. You climbed in next to him slowly. He wrapped his arm around you. Your natural instinct was to lay your head on his chest, but backed away as you heard him hiss in pain.

Oh my, God. I'm so sorry, babe. I-I didn't,

It's fine. Just got to be careful, that's all.” He chuckled softly. You tried to fake a smile, but were bleeding on the inside. You carefully rested your head in the crook of his neck and kissed it. You could feel the smile form on his face as you did it, which made you smile. You just sat there for a while in silence, just taking in every moment you had with him. You were thinking over and over again in your mind, is this going to be the last moment you had with Harry? No, stop thinking like that! Harry's going to be fine, fully recover and everything will go back to normal. Stop thinking negative. But you couldn't get the thought out of my mind. Cause it was true. Maybe this will be the last time you see him, alive and somewhat healthy. Being in his arms, feeling his heartbeat, smelling his sweet scent, being able to see his eyes full of life and love, and to see that wonderful smile that could light up anybody's world.

I thought I lost you.” You said into his neck. He sighed and glanced down at you. He looked into your eyes, like he was staring into your soul and knew what you were thinking. He took a piece of your hair and brushed it out of your face.

How could I ever do that?,” He said with a small laugh, then got serious again. “No matter what, (y/n), I would never leave you. I will always be here with you.” He leaned in closer to you and licked up your fallen tears. He gave you small pecks all over your face before he came towards your lips. His lips hovered over yours for a bit before he pressed them gently on yours. Harry was always an amazing kisser, knew all the right things to do to you, but this time. He was being very gentle and sweet and passionate. As your lips were moving in sync with one another, he suddenly departed from you and kissed your temple.

Let me make love to you.” He whispered in your ear. You didn't have to hesitate as you nodded your head. You had to take every opportunity you had with Harry. You never know if this was going to be the last time you would ever be able to make love to him, to be able to touch him, or kiss him. He resumed where you both were and he made sweet, passionate love to you right then and there. After that night, his heart stopped and he died in his sleep.


As you looked down at him, all these memories came flooding back into your mind. The first time you met him, walking into that store and purposely annoying you just so he could talk to you. Your first date, your first kiss, the first time you met the boys, the first time you watched him perform, the first time he sang to you. But mostly you remembered when he proposed to you. He went all the way out. He got his whole family and the boys to help him with it. He spent the whole day to re-act your first date. By the end of the night everyone came out and surrounded you guys and right there he proposed to you in front of everyone. That was one of the best nights of your life. Just thinking about everything you shared with him. You couldn't believe he was gone and that you couldn't live your life with him, like you both planned. You didn't even get to be his wife yet, which killed you the most. You technically weren't a widow, but right now you felt like one. You wanted to touch his face one last time, but were afraid to. The last time you touched him was in that hospital bed, and even then he was barely warm. You didn't want to lose the last warmth that came from him, and feel his coldness now. You couldn't bare doing that to yourself. So you backed your hand away. You were so tempted to just touch anything of him, but couldn't. You just looked him over one more time and couldn't help but smile. You didn't know why you did, but it felt like you should.

Hey, Hazza. Well, ya know how I am. I'm never good at doing these things. Uhm, well I don't know what to say. There's so much going through my mind right now that you probably wouldn't know,” You looked up, trying to hold back the tears forming in your eyes. “I'm not good with goodbyes. I guess, I never was. But I don't wanna say goodbye. Not now, not ever. I wish I didn't have to do this. I still can't believe this happened to you. Uhm, I don't wanna dwell on anything, just like you said, 'Ya gotta live life to the fullest and take chances and fuck what anyone says',” That made you giggle. The first time since all of this. “I still don't wanna believe it. I don't think it's sunken in yet, until, well-,” You took another breathe. “Well, I just want to let you know that I love you so SO much, you have no idea. I will always love you. And I cherish every moment we've had together. You've literally changed my life, Styles. You have no idea. I wish I could have walked down the aisle and become your wife, but to be honest, it doesn't really matter because I knew you were mine ever since you came into my job and being an annoying fucking asshole just to get your way, like usual. Well, I just want you to know that you were the best thing that's ever be mine and I'll never forget you. I love you.” You wiped your face with the back of your hand and blew him one last kiss before walking back to your seat, staring at the ground the whole time. That was probably one of the hardest things you've ever had to experience in your life. After the ceremony started, the boys all went up.

Harry was one of the best mates I've ever had. I am so honored to be able to work with him and gotten to know him as a person. He was seriously the best.” Liam said, holding back his tears.

So, the last time we'd seen Harry, he wanted us to make this and show you all, especially you (y/n). He said it meant a lot and wanted it to be a new beginning. He really loved you, (y/n). He wanted us to show this to you, so you'll never forget him but remember all the good memories. He told us this was his final wish.” Louis said, his words choking at the end, letting his tears fall. Not being able to hold it in anymore. As they put the disc into the player, we all watched the video streaming onto the screen. It started with a timeline of his life. A picture of him every year, since he was born. It was so cute, looking at how he's changed after all these years. Then a slide came up with these words: Now is the time to show when my life had truly begun. This is for you, my little kitten. Thanks for making me the luckiest man in the world. I love you and no matter what I would never leave you. I will always be here with you. That hit your heart the most. Those were the same words he said to you the last time you saw him. Then it started to show pictures of the both of you together, playing 'Moments'. God, damn you, Styles. Why? Why did you have to pick this song? You knew how much this song affected me every time I heard it. As you watched as each pictured past, it brought back so many memories. Some to make you smile, and others which just made you laugh. There was a picture of you both at your flat and you had a summer party with the boys and their girlfriends, when you guys were playing truth or dare. And Louis dared Harry to swap clothes with you. And he did it without hesitation. Once that picture popped up, everyone in the room cracked up laughing, especially the boys and you. Oh, Harry. He literally put every picture of you guys in it, well except the inappropriate ones, but that was an obvious thing not to put in it with his family and friends watching this. As the video ended, of course he had to put another slide in. I have more memories and pictures, but those are just for your eyes only babe ;)

Those will be on the other side of the disc, I made sure of that, so no one would get the chance to see them.

Of course he would. You blushed and was so embarrassed. Why, Styles? Even now, you were still your usual cheeky-self. That will probably never change. As the slideshow ended, you thought it was over, until you saw his face in the hospital bed. What? What did you do, Harry?

Hello, everyone. I knew I didn't have much time, even if I didn't want to believe it myself. Uhm, but I thought this would be the best thing to do, since, ya know, I'm not there anymore. Uhm, I just want to thank all the great people that have entered my life and just want you all to know that I love you all so much. I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. Thank them for making me follow my dream and creating my life and meeting four people that have impacted my life so much. Thank you Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis for sharing this experience with me and making it more worthwhile. You guys are truly my best mates. I love you, boys. I would love to thank my beautiful sister, Gemma, for being there with me throughout everything and always being there for me. Even if we got on each others nerves a lot, haha,”

Oh that laugh. It was one of the best sounds in this world. God, how you were going to wish it. This was so cute and sweet of Harry to actually make this for all of us. You're glad he would want to leave us with this, but seeing this, you remembered being there that day. Seeing him like that, spending your last moments with him. You could feel tears prick up from the corner of your eyes again.

Deep down we both knew that we loved each other. And I loved that we were so close and that you were like my best friend. And lastly, I would like to thank my beautiful, most amazing, fiancee' (y/n). Words cannot express how much I love you. Since the first day I saw you, I knew that I had to have you. You looking so cute with your hair down in a loose ponytail and in your dumb uniform. We've shared literally everything together and there are so many memories that I can't even count. I just hope you never forget them, cause I won't. You were always there for me, even in my darkest hours, and throughout all the hate and fame, you've always had your guard up to seem like it never affected you. But deep down, I knew it did. You were trying to be strong for me, like you always did. I know that will never change, but right now you can't. Just let your guard down and let it all out. It's okay. Seriously,

How did he know everything, even when he's not here right now. He always knew you better than you knew yourself. You knew what he said was true. He was right. You had to just let go and stop having this tough exterior and just let everything out. You thought, maybe you didn't want to. Then it would prove that he was truly gone, forever and that you weren't getting him back. And you just couldn't bare that feeling. But you couldn't hide it anymore. You had to make Harry happy and listen to him, as more pools of tears came back down, falling onto your folded up hands that were resting on your lap.

You made me the happiest man when you agreed to marry me. I will never forget the look on your face. It was priceless. But so worth it. I will never forget seeing you that last time and making love to you, right here in this hospital bed,

Why, Harry? In front of your family? The boys mouths dropped and all of them nudged me and gave me that look.

I'm glad I got to spend my last precious moments with you. I would never want it any other way. I love you, kitten. And I'll always be here with you. This is not goodbye. We will see each other again, don't worry. I love you.” He blew a final kiss and with that the screen went black. He was gone. He disappeared. You held your face in your hands, feeling it was all wet from all the tears pouring out. You didn't even feel them until now.

You've always kept that disc and watched it whenever you felt lonely and thought of him. Each time you watched it, it became more easier to watch it. Like you were becoming whole again. One of you favorite parts of that disc was that other side. He seriously didn't hold back on anything! You bet he had fun making this side, no doubt. It took awhile to finally be okay. But no matter what, you will always miss him and never forget about him. He was your first experience with love. He showed you how great and special it could be. He showed you the true meaning of love. You knew that the next time you ever do find love with someone else, you knew what to expect. Even though it will never be like Harry's love, it will still be special. But he would have wanted you to move on with your life and live. You would always have his words in your head for the rest of your life:

Ya gotta live life to the fullest and take chances and fuck what anyone says.

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