Zayn Imagine ~Photography

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#imagine: you’re wiping the lense of your camera, bent over on a hill in London. You loved photography and while you were driving home, you saw this beautiful sunset and it looked to good to miss the chance. You just had to go and take a few shots. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you peer through the lens and the familiar, soothing sound of the warm breeze eases against your face, until you hear a voice.

“What are you doing?” You stumble slightly in your crouched down position and feel yourself fall, then someone catches you. They’re hands are gripped onto your upper arms, stopping you from face planting into the grass. Groaning with embarrassment you turn around to face the person who first made you jump, and you stop. You look up and couldn't believe it. You recognized those deep, beautiful brown eyes. The hair that flipped, but was now falling down covering the side of his face. His toned, tan skin that sent goosebumps all over your body. His strong arms still supporting you, you began to have this feeling of safeness, that no matter what, he wouldn't let you get hurt. He grabs your hands and lifts you up, like you weighed nothing.

Oh, uhm, I was just,” you begin but realize you’re not making any sense so you just hold up your camera, “taking a few photos.” You mumble, feeling your cheeks burn.

Can I see?” Nodding, you begin flicking through the photos that appear on the digital screen of your camera and hold it up for him to see. He raises his hand and places it over yours so he can steady the camera and get a better look, unknowing the effect his touch has on your already screaming nerves. “That’s impressive,” he finally says, but he doesn’t move his hand away.

Thanks,” you smile up and him and his eyes lock with yours, “I like finding beauty in ugly places,” you mumble and move your eyes downwards. You’re eyes however jerk up when you feel a gentle hand on your cheek and see Zayn watching your lips carefully,

Me too,” he whispers and leans forward, pressing his lips to yours.

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