Long Niall Imagine ~He Finds Out You Have An Eating Disorder

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#imagine: You have been dating Niall for awhile now. One day he decides to surprise you and take you out to a fancy restaurant. You really don't want to cause 1) you're a very picky eater and 2) you haven't been eating alot lately cause fans keep calling you fat and ugly. But you decide to go anyway cause it's Niall and you love him. When you get to the restaurant, Niall orders basically everything on the menu, while you just order a salad. He gives you a strange look cause he knows this isn't like you, but he shrugs it off. After you guys eat you both go back to his flat to spend more time together. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and you start puking. Niall hears this and comes right in seeing your head above the toilet while you're sitting in pain, holding your stomach and tears streaming down your face. He rushes to your side and pulls your hair out of your face and wraps his arms gently around your waist.

"Baby, whats wrong?" he asks. All you do is just begin to cry again and then tell him everything about the fans saying mean stuff about you on Twitter and on the internet. He wipes away your tears and lifts your chin up to look you in the eyes.

"Don't listen to them. They are just jealous of how beautiful you are. Don't believe what they say. You are amazing, beautiful, and the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're perfect." You stare into his gorgeous blue eyes and smile. He then wipes your mouth and gives you a passionate kiss.

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