Chapter 2

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For years you lived on the run from Michael, always traveling to new lands, living life to the fullest, but always on the run. Niklaus and Elijah never left your side, throughout the years their siblings came and went, also on the run from their father.

You were living as a royal family in Bulgaria some hundred years after you left the village. Life was good, peaceful and you wanted for nothing. But it was also the day that everything would change.


You arrived at the banquet later than the rest of the guests, it was not quite as extravagant as the castle you lived in in England, it was more crude here, but you still enjoyed the social engagements. You smiled as people nodded to you respectfully as you crossed the floor to where Elijah stood, waiting for you.

"Where is Niklaus?" you asked, looping your arm through his.

"He is late, as usual," Elijah responded with a small laugh.

You chuckled, "well he does enjoy making an entrance."

You and Elijah laughed and watched the people dance and mingle for sometime before Klaus finally arrived. A smile broke on his face as he locked eyes with you across the room, he quickly made his way to you and Elijah.

"You look ravishing, my dear," he said, looking you up and down for a moment.

You laughed, "well one does have to impress the townspeople, why do you think the accept us here?"

"For the view of course," Elijah noted, chuckling along with you and his brother.

A light tune sprang up from the small musicians in the corner. "May I have this dance," Niklaus asked politely, offering you his hand.

You smiled at Elijah as you unlooped your arm from his, placing your hands in Klaus's outstretched fingertips. He led you to the crude dancefloor, wrapping an arm around you waist and holding your hand in the other.

As the dance continued, you noticed that his demeanor changed, his movements get less precise and his face looked everywhere but at you. "What's on your mind?" you asked, "I can tell something is bothering you."

Klaus shook his head, "we got word that Michael found us here, it is only a matter of time until he arrives looking for us."

You shrugged, "we've been here a while, I knew it would be soon that we needed to move on."

He looked at you nervously, wanting to speak but not finding the right words. "Let's get out of here," he whispered, stopping the dance and practically dragging you behind him.

You giggled, pulling at the folds of your dress so it was not stepped on. Klaus nodded to Elijah and he led you both outside to the gardens, sitting on a long stone bench outside the hall.

For a few moments the world was perfect, you laughed and teased the brothers, smiles on all of your faces. But as the night droned on, you grew tired, resting your head on Niklaus's shoulder, your hand holding onto Elijah's.

"(Y/N)," Klaus began, his saddened tone returning, "there is something I need to tell you."

You sat up from his shoulder, looking him in the eyes, "what is it?"

Elijah sighed next to you as Niklaus looked between you and his brother. He was battling with himself, between knowing what was right and what he desperately wanted. For years he had done nothing but what was good for himself, but for once in his life, he had to do right by you, but it didn't make his decision any easier.

Klaus shook his head, giving you a smile that he hoped concealed his sadness, "actually, it can wait until morning, you look exhausted."

You nodded, flashing a tired smile before clapping the brothers both on their knees and standing up, "thanks for the lovely evening boys, but I am quite tired, I think I will retire to bed."

Elijah stood up, wrapping you in a tight embrace, he tried to breath in your scent as much as he could. You noticed that he held on tightly for longer than usual, you pulled away, "are you sure you're alright?" you asked, keeping Elijah at arms length.

He smiled, "of course, my dear," he responded, placing a light kiss on your forehead. You nodded, not fully convinced, but you had a long journey ahead of you in the morning, there would be time to talk later.

Niklaus slowly walked up to you, wrapping you in a hug, trying to memorize every inch of your body. "Niklaus, are you sure everything is okay?" you whispered in his ear, not breaking the embrace, "your heart is racing."

He sighed, pulling away, "it's just the liquor, love, I had a bit too much I think."

You laughed, turning away from him and starting to walk towards the palace again, "you never could handle your liquor," you teased, throwing your hair over your shoulder.

Klaus watched you leave a hole in his heart. Elijah placed a hand on his shoulder, also watching you walk away. "You should have told her brother," he said quietly so you couldn't hear him.

Klaus wiped a single tear from his cheek, "I know," he whispered, "but it is just easier this way." 

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