Chapter 3

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The next morning you awoke to the sunlight gleaming through your lacy blinds. You slowly got out of bed, grabbing your robe and tightening it around you before walking out of your room and down into the main hall where Klaus and Elijah always waited for you.

But as you entered the room, there was no one sitting at the table, only servants bustling about still cleaning up from last night's ball. You grabbed the arm of a servant girl carrying some trays, "where are Lords Niklaus and Elijah?" you asked lightly.

She looked at you in fear and pointed to the table where you saw two letters, both addressed to you. You nodded to the girl and walked over to the table, taking a seat at the chair in front of the two letters.

You grabbed the shorter one and started reading...

My dearest (Y/N),

It pains me so much to have to do this, but my father was spotted not far from our fortress and we had to leave. He won't keep following you if we are no longer with you, you will be safe and free from his torment.

My only wish is that you live the life that you have always wanted. I have left you as the sole proprietary of our fortune, the castle, the money, everything is yours. I hope it will serve you well.

I pray that one day you will be able to forgive me, I hope to see you again when all this is over.

All my love, always and forever,


A tear rolled down your cheek as you finished reading his letter. You didn't want it to be true, it couldn't be true, they would never leave you like that. But your heart sank as you grabbed the second letter...

My love,

I honestly don't know where to begin, which is why I never told you in person our plans to leave. I am truly sorry that my father has ruined what could have been our happiness, but I intend to kill him and then return to your side, if you'll still have me.

Being with you has been the highlight of my existence, leaving you here is the hardest thing I will ever do, and I hope one day you will forgive me for it.

Elijah has made arrangements for you to stay at the castle, but should you want to get away, I have heard of towns in the west where people like us flourish. Should we not return, I hope that you would take your eternity to travel the world, to experience everything the Earth has to offer. I hope that you get everything out of life that I could not give you.

I will always love you (Y/N), please never forget that.


More tears spilled from your eyes as you finished the second letter. It felt as if someone was ripping out your heart. The two people who meant the most to you, just abandoned you, left you alone and walked away. You sat there at the table for hours as your continued to try to process everything.


Months had passed since Klaus and Elijah left Bulgaria. You became the head of the castle, but preferred to stick to yourself mostly. You occupied your time by reading about the west, the fantasy and legends of cities like New Orleans and The French Quarter.

One day you were sitting in the library when one of the servants came in to offer you a drink. "My lady," he said, bowing his head.

"Titus," you greeted, grabbing the cup and taking a drink. He turned to walk out of the room but you stopped him.

"Titus, I need something from you," you said.

He turned, bowing his head again, "anything, my lady."

You smiled, "I need you to run this place for me."

He looked at you in confusion, but you waved him off, "I'm leaving, I can't stay in this place anymore constantly being reminded of Niklaus and Elijah. I have to get out of here."

"Where will you go?" Titus asked.

You smiled, gesturing to the book on the small end table, "I've read about so many places in the west, but there is one in particular that I intend to visit."

"What if my lords come back looking for you?" Titus asked.

You chuckled, "then you tell them where I went, maybe they will decided to come looking for me."

Titus nodded in understanding, "I wish you safe travels, my lady."

You got up placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling at him, "I entrust this place to you Titus, keep it safe. The money for the estate is upstairs, you should be set."

Titus looked on in confusion, "wait, you're leaving right now?"

You flashed him a smile over your shoulder, "why waste any time?"

Titus followed you out of the library and towards the front door, "wait, you haven't said where you were going!" he called as you walked across the marble pathway outside.

You turned back, "Mystic Falls!" you shouted before speeding off into the unknown, never to be heard from again.  

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