Chapter 6

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You have been staying in the Salvatore mansion for several weeks now. You had grown close to Damon and Stefen. Emily, the family's servant, had grown close to you as well, she spent much time helping you find real estate in town and always caring for your possessions.

You and Emily were walking into town one day to pick up some food when you were stopped by one of the ladies. "I have seen you here several times, but we have not been introduced," the woman said, "my name is Peral."

"(Y/N)," you said, giving her a small curtsey, "and this is Emily."

Pearl gave you a smile, "perhaps you would like to join me, I am about to go to the theater."

You smiled to her in return, "I appreciate the invitation Ms. Pearl, but Mr. Salvatore would be most disappointed if I did not return with his liquor in a timely fashion."

Pearl nodded, "Well I would not want you to anger your host, perhaps another time?"

"Of course," you responded.

Pearl nodded one last time before walking away, "that was odd," you said to Emily.

Emily leaned in to whisper in your ear, "you should be careful around her, I have always gotten a strange feeling about her."

"Has she lived here long?" you asked.

Emily nodded, "longer than anyone can remember, yet she hasn't aged a day."

You snuck a glance in Pearl's direction with a knowing look, "that is strange."


You returned to the boarding house with the liquor Guiseppe had asked for. "Why thank you miss (Y/N)," he said with a smile, "I will need this if I am going to get through the council meeting tonight."

You nodded respectfully in his direction and made your way up the stairs with Emily in tow. "Can you let Mr. Salvatore know I am home, Emily?" you asked.

"Which one?" she asked, a hint of a teasing smile on her face.

You chuckled, "both of them."

A few minutes later, Damon and Stefen were both parading into your room talking over each other, each trying to be the first to ask how your day was.

You held up a hand to silence them, "it was a pleasant walk, I even met a new friend."

Stefen laughed, "it's a small town, haven't you met everyone?"

You sat down on the bed next to the brothers, "what do you boys now about a woman named Pearl?"

Damon shrugged his shoulders, "that she is one of the oldest residents here, but she isn't a founding family."

"Founding family?" you asked, your curiosity peaked.

"The council that father is a part of," Stefen explained, "it's made up of founding families of the town. There are the oldest family lines in Mystic Falls and they practically run this place."

You thought for a moment, intrigued by the idea, "interesting."

Damon rolled his eyes, "it's really very boring, all they talk about is stupid annual parties."

"No doubt the meeting tonight will be for the annual harvest dance," Stefen mused, "it's in a few weeks."

"Harvest dance?" you asked.

"An excuse to drink and dance in the fall," Damon said, falling backwards onto your bed in dramatic fashion, "it's the only reason I show up."

You smiled, thinking that the harvest dance would be the perfect distraction to try and speak to the founding families, especially where alcohol is involved. "I would very much like to go," you said, "or is it founding families only?"

Stefen sat up a little straighter, "no everyone can go, I am sure I can arrange for you-"

"I would love to accompany you," Damon interjected, cutting Stefen's polite gesture off.


"Be quiet Stefen," Damon responded, "if Miss (Y/N) would like to go to the harvest festival, it makes sense that a Salvatore should take her."

You laughed giving each brother a genuine smile, "how about you both accompany me, I am sure there is plenty of dancing to share."

The brothers exchanged a glance but then nodded, smiles on their faces. Later that night, once the Salvatore brothers retired to their own rooms, you started devising a plan for the harvest dance. You had to get in with the founding families, that would be the only way for you to learn the information that you desperately sought - where to find the original vampires.

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