Chapter 4

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It was 1884 when you arrived in Mystic Falls. The countryside was absolutely beautiful, and the large mansion-like buildings and plantations was a sight to behold. You had made arrangements to stay at one of the boarding houses there until you got settled.

"Miss (Y/L/N)," the Butler said as he grabbed your bags from your coach, "Mr. Salvatore is waiting for you inside."

You nodded with a smile as the butler led you into the house and to the living space where an older man sat, smoking a pipe. "Good morning, Miss (Y/L/N)," he greeted, "Giuseppe Salvatore, it's a pleasure to meet you."

You curtsied to him, bowing your head slightly in respect, "good to meet you Mr. Salvatore, I really appreciate you allowing me to stay here."

Giuseppe closed the distance between you, offering you a glass of water, "how could one say no to a Bulgarian Heiress touring the south?"

You smiled as you took the glass, "I promise to be out of your hair as soon as I find a suitable living arrangement, I plan to stay in Mystic Falls for a while."

Giuseppe nodded, "what brings you to our little town."

"I am looking to expand my real estate, I heard there are several large plantations here," you lied, "I like to do my private investigating personally."

Giuseppe smiled, "we'll I would love to give you a tour, but I have an important council meeting to attend, but I leave in the capable hands of my two sons." He gestured to two young men standing in the frame of the living area, dressed elegantly, but a hint of danger within them.

The one with darker hair approached you, you could hear his heartbeat quicken as he offered you his hand, "I'm Damon."

You held your hand out and he brought it to his lips gently. The other brother approached, more nervous than Damon was, he was sweating, but he had a sweet smile, "A pleasure, I'm Stefan."

He bowed his head slightly, before his father walked up and clapped each of them on the shoulder, "Damon, Stefen, please show Miss (Y/L/N), around the town, I'll be back later tonight."

You smiled at the two men, "nice to meet you, Mr. Salvatore, Mr. Salvatore," you said nodding to each of them in turn, "I can't wait to see all the things Mystic Falls has to offer." 

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