• Two

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The grip on her forearms was firm. The person holding her in place was quite strong. She had expected to face raiders, worse even bandits but knights.

The man looking down at her had a brown armour that had white stripes at the sides. His clothing was similar too with the same stripes on his red cloak. She could recognize that attire anywhere. Those were the knights of their kingdom.

They were perhaps coming from war and had to report to the palace. Kimberly was relieved in the least as she wasn't about to face her end. She still had more years to live. She was too young after all.

She visibly relaxed for a moment forgetting the harsh grip on her arms. The man before her still looked at her with a stern look, his eyes narrowing.

He must have thought of her as a threat. Even when she knew knights tended to be wary of all those they met, the male before her might have exaggerated that a bit.

With how she was gripping the edges of her dress almost scrunching it, her basket on the ground with the herbs scattered and eyes wide as she stared at him.

Did she really look like a threat or even behave like one? She was practically powerless unless you could count on a large stick beside her.

It wasn't even in her hands and it wasn't comparable to the swords they carried.

                       ✿ ✿ ✿

Kimberly had never met such unwavering men. Even after arguing with them for over ten minutes trying to explain that she was a native, they did not believe her.

They were currently at the palace entrance with the knights on her trail. She was apparently meant to meet the head knight so that he'd determine whether to release her after some evaluation.

Whatever she was going to be evaluated on, Kimberly had no idea.

The palace guards allowed them in as they warily looked at her. She was accompanied by over ten knights who had just returned from battle.

Anyone who saw them could easily think of her as a traitor who had unfortunately been caught and was about to be executed.

Kimberly however cared less. She wished to meet this leader of theirs soon so that she'd get back home.

They had passed a few hallways when they came to a stop. Kimberly who had been busy looking around almost fell off the horse. She was experienced in horseriding but this horse was not like her horse Zaine.

Zaine was calm and soft, she even thought of him as a companion but the horse she was riding was far from that. It had gone to battle and softness wasn't part of it.

Kimberly had been busy admiring the palace surroundings, the fine paintings on the walls and the fair ladies who walked by in groups. It wasn't an everyday opportunity where one was able to visit the palace.

A tall dark eyed man with a commanding aura stood in front of them with his hands held at his back. He was dressed in a similar way as the other knights. Kimberly concluded that he was the head knight. The knights mounted off their horses and moved forward to greet him.

They gave a slight bow and the man acknowledged it with a nod. He looked around them as if trying to confirm whether they were all back and then glanced at the horses.

His gaze fixated on Kimberly who was strangely nervous all of a sudden. Her eyes looked around, her hands getting sweaty for a moment.

She had not gotten off the horse and the man studied her silently, his eyes piercing through her effortlessly making her shudder before a knight stood forth.

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