• Forty-three

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There was merry all over the Arthur's manor. The usually quiet home was now filled with laughs and lightning of various colours made the entire compound more magnificent.

A large round table at the back garden had several kinds of foods on display. Lady Heather and Lady Arthur had really worked hard in preparation for the evening.

Chatter filled the small garden as the joined families shared their memories and laughed at their jokes as they had their evening meal. Even the quiet Matteo joined in the fun.

"Showing up when it's dining time?" He sneered at Wayne who just came in led by Gwen. The table went loud with laughter at his comment as the elders turned to the new arrival.

"It's good you're here, Wayne." Lady Arthur welcomed him as he took his seat next to Matteo. He glared at his previous comment and smiled politely at the bright lady beside him.

"Thanks ma'am," Wayne smiled warmly at Lady Arthur and turned to the new faces on the table. They were a closer version of Lady Kimberly so he guessed they were her parents.

"This is Lord Heather and his wife Flora, Kimberly's parents." Lady Arthur introduced them and they exchanged pleasantries getting along just fine.

Jokes were made here and there especially on Wayne's part who quickly bonded with Kim's parents. They laughed at his antics likening his actions to Gerald, their son.

"You mentioned you're from Sui," Lord Heather turned to Lord Matthews when they were done with their meals and conversation filled the table.

"Yes, I've done business there for quite sometime." Lord Matthews responded briefly glancing at his son who was laughing at Matteo's flushed face from the drinks he was taking.

"There's a friend of ours there, Madame Paula." He took a sip of his water then continued, "She has been visiting a sick relative and it has not gotten better." It had been so long since she was gone. Almost a month and a half now.

"Are you in touch with any good physicians over there, we could use your help." Lady Heather added politely taking hold of her husband's hand beneath the table for comfort.

"Yes, I know of some." Lord Matthews responded after listening keenly, "I'll contact them the soonest possible." He smiled at the couple when they profusely thanked him for his kind gesture.

There was a lull in conversation but with Wayne around, it was almost impossible. "Let's focus on the lady of the day!" His voice was higher, travelling through the dark night as he rose up from his seat.

"Kimberly!" All heads turned to face her and she smiled shyly at the familiar faces. With all attention on her, she played with the glass of juice in her hand, suddenly at a loss of words.

"Such talent," Lady Arthur stood from her spot and came to Kim's side, engulfing her in a hug. "That was so wonderful!" She pulled back rubbing Kim's cold hands over hers then kissing both of her cheeks.

"Good work Kimberly," Lord Matthews congratulated and turned to her parents. "You did well too," The Heather's humbly thanked him sending smiles to their daughter. They were proud of her success.

"Matteo, aren't you going to say anything?" Wayne turned to him pressing his buttons. Of course he knew the two had been together all day but he just wanted him to speak infront of the family.

"The light in you has never shimmered, I have always believed in you." Matteo uttered the words only to her but everyone around heard them clearly as they exchanged wide grins.

"Thank you Matteo," Kim smiled at his warm words as she stared at the stars that shone through his eyes. His dark eyes and small smile brought her into another world where she forgot of the present.

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