• Thirty-four

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"Where should we take our seats?" Kim asked while looking around at the vast grounds. Faye and Lily followed behind her obviously gossiping about something. They seemed to have all news about what was usually happening.

Apparently the crown prince was to attend the event today. It was the day of the horse riding competition and from what she could hear from the girls behind, it seemed true as a large carriage had just arrived carrying the crown prince. The palace guards followed closely so they had to be seated soon.

"This way," she pulled the girls' arms towards three empty seats near the front. It was a perfect spot to see everything clearly without much obstruction. Despite all the happiness she felt racing with other contestants, she was also cautious of Gerald and her parents.

Her parents were still away visiting a relative and Madame Janice, the lady in charge at home after Madame Paula had left, had agreed to them leaving for buying some gowns in town or so she thought. Lily had easily talked to her and she ended up believing her story. It was just so easy for Lily, she could lie with a straight face.

Yesterday evening when they'd arrived the manor from town, Kim was pulled into a tight embrace by a very devastated Lily. She had walked through the market twice and back in search for her. It was so rare for Lily to cry so the girls planned for a night together. Sir Arthur left as soon as they arrived much to the girls' disappointment.

Madame Janice hadn't bothered them for most of the night, they had laughed, ate and drank together. Somewhere in between the night, Lily mumbled about the horse riding competition and that's when Kim sobered up. She had entirely forgotten about it and thus the tensing began.

What if I get the last position? Will there be any ladies contesting? Gerald could catch me! Kim had panicked every minute after that but after Faye and Lily assured her they'd cheer for her, she calmed a little bit. How had she really forgotten of signing up for the competition.

The announcer's voice rang out at the front urging everyone to take their seats. All participants were then called to stand and assigned a different area. Faye smiled as she waved at Kim when she got a glimpse of her from the crowd.

Kim was already afraid. When she was seated so far from her friends, she felt uneasy. Looking around at her fellow contestants, they were mostly male. There were roughly six ladies with her included. She could only hope that Zaine wasn't extremely tired after yesterday.

The seat on her left was empty whereas a man sat on the other side of her. He was so focused on paying attention to what was going on to spot her. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths to relieve her anxious self, rubbing her sweaty hands on dress.

She jumped in fright when someone squeezed into the space beside her rubbing their shoulder against hers. Her eyes shot open and she called in surprise, "Matteo, what are you doing here?" He gave her a small smile situating himself.

"I'm participating too," he replied turning to fully face her. She looked lovely with the white ribbon on her hair. "Really?" She grinned further not opposed to his staring. He nodded at her enthusiasm glancing ahead slightly when the teams were getting assigned.

He turned back to her and she had her head cocked to the front listening intently for her team and her hands went over her dress rather aggressively that she was scrunching it. He slowly took hold of her hand from the harsh grip and enclosed it in his.

She turned to him and then at their hands gulping. Holding his hands calmed her nerves about the competition though her nerves about the man beside her took over. Kim smiled slightly willing herself not to grip his hand tighter.

Their names got called concurrently that she smiled further. They were on the same team. Soon they were called over to the starting point as they took their horses. Faye and Lily waved enthusiastically at the two from the sidelines.

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