• Thirty-five

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Kim peeked from Matteo's left arm as Gerald approached them in large steps anger clearly written on his face. Lily, Faye and Gwen walked further down having no clue of the predicament they had fallen into. Sir Collins also followed closely behind.

"Who are you?" Gerald asked fiercely at the man shielding his sister from view. They both gave each other a long stare off before Kim emerged from hiding.

"Gerald," she called out softly tugging his hand so he could turn to face her. He didn't budge and she peeked over Sir Collins for help only for him to shrug his shoulders.

Kim frowned dejectedly as she stood between them. They still towered over her and the tension grew thicker and thicker every passing minute. She let go of Gerald's hand and took Matteo's. He looked down at her almost instantly and the fierceness in his eyes dropped as he pulled her to his side.

Gerald forcefully dropped his attention to his sister and just as he was about to speak, she bet him, "This is Sir Arthur, he's a friend." She introduced Matteo wanting to cut the tension between them.

"This is my brother, Gerald." Kim slightly tilted her head up to Matteo smiling softly. She turned to her brother not realizing the sigh of relief by Sir Arthur. She didn't however fail to notice the sudden twitch of his fingers.

"That's Sir Collins, you've met him." Kim pointed at the man behind her brother who pretended not to pay attention to what to what they were saying. Gerald narrowed his eyes at Collins but turned to Kim.

"What are you doing here?" He tried pulling Kim towards him. He didn't like how the man-Sir Arthur held her hands and how unbothered she seemed about it, not to mention Collins' deceit. He would wring his head later.

"I know you wouldn't allow me but I wanted to race just once," Kim pouted, a face Gerald couldn't reprimand her for. She continued, "I even won first place with Matteo." She smiled widely feeling even prouder. She couldn't wait to show him their awards.

"Is it true?" Gerald asked unconvinced. He had just gotten word from Collins that there was a big competition organized by the palace and they decided to pass by. He didn't however expect to find Kimberly latched on a certain man and talking so freely with him.

"Yes, come let me show you." She pulled his hand and beckoned Sir Collins to follow down the path as she led them down. She still hadn't detached her hand for Matteo's and for once she didn't care what others thought of them.

The four caught up with the trio just before they got swallowed up by the large crowd. Lily joyfully looped her arm with Gerald's. Kim hadn't asked for their details but with the smiles adorning their faces, all seemed to be well. Faye pulled out a conversation with Sir Collins. Gwen didn't seem to mind carrying the presents as he led the horses as well.

"Where are we even going?" Gerald snapped out of his trance pulling Lily to a stop. He looked over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at Kim's hands, his head shaking in disapproval. When the rest of the group didn't seem as bothered as he was, he wondered if they'd all known of their relationship.

"Celebrating these two, of course." Lily piped beside him drawing his attention from his sister to her. Lily being the best planner pulled them all into a larger room she had booked as Gwen and James moved to the empty stables for the horses to rest. She led them all in making sure Kim and Arthur sat together at the head table. She pulled Gerald on their opposite as Faye, Collins, James and Gwen sat around them.

"The drinks here are pretty nice," Kim said as she fixed her dress at the sides. It kept on moving to Sir Arthur's trousers so she desperately tried to keep it within herself without filling the entire space. "It's okay," she heard him whisper from beside her letting the dress fall freely.

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