• Twelve

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"Sir Arthur?"
No response

No response

Gwen had been calling him with no success for the last one minute. His face was cast at the entrance of the hotel room.

"Sir?" He tried again and still no response came from him. He looked dazed his eyes showing some different emotion other than the stern look he always posed.

Gwen followed his line of sight till he noticed the three young ladies that had walked in.

He had to do a double check to confirm whether that was where his eyes had been trained on. He did counter check that, and Sir Arthur was indeed looking at them.

He didn't expect him to have his attention on ladies especially when he had just fled from one a few minutes ago.

Gwen clearly knew all the three maidens. He practically knew everyone anyway. Since his master's attention seemed to focus on them, he began telling him more about the trio like the guide he was.

"The one on the left is Lady Lily, she comes from an influential family and the taller one is Faye, a servant at the Heather's manor." Gwen explained clearly distinguishing the two and noticed him nod slightly.

So he was paying attention. It was a surprise since he hardly knew them. Gwen thought.

"The maiden in the middle is Lady Kimberly, she's the General's daughter and," he trailed off holding back his next words since he had realized something astonishing.

So surprising that it had him shake his head as if to clear his thoughts and make sure his eyes were not playing any tricks on him.

It had to be what he was seeing. His mind flogged back to the purple ribbon on the small basket he'd seen in his master's belongings. It was very similar to the one on Lady Kimberly's wrist. If not identical.

The girls didn't seem to be aware of their staring as they talked animatedly with each other looping their arms together as they walked to a larger table at the centre of the room.

"And?" Sir Arthur probed still looking at the lady as he enquired what his companion had left hanging.

"Ooh , she's off limits." Gwen replied once he remembered what he had meant to say.

This had Sir Arthur suddenly and swiftly look at him his face perturbed and slightly intrigued. For the first time since the maidens entered the room, he had taken his eyes off the younger one.

"Why?" He asked his voice rising slightly but barely audible to whoever was not listening to them.

Gwen almost rolled his eyes at him and he stated the reason as if it were obvious for anyone to figure it out, "Because Lord Heather is her father."

That didn't clear any confusion Sir Arthur had earlier on. If anything he appeared more confused now.

"Well her family, particularly her father and brother, doesn't allow any men hovering over her." He replied elaborating his previous statement.

Sir Arthur glanced back at the table Gwen's answer somehow relieving the tension he had in his shoulders. He had been expecting something terrible but if that was it ,he was going to manage it .

He had just admitted to himself that he was going to be hovering around her. He didn't dwell on that for long since his decision had been long made.

"I thought you didn't want to know about anyone a while ago," Gwen chirped in once he realized he had been really interested about the topic.

Sir Arthur shot him a glare before resuming his watching but Gwen didn't fail to notice the slight twitch on his jaw.

Faye placed the bundle she had been carrying on the table. Lily already knew about the contents inside thus she didn't look as interested as Kim was.

Sir ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now