• Eighteen

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Faye pointed to the way she had come noticing the unsettled features on his face.

His eyes scanned the whole place before rushing back to the tent where he had come from as fast as lightning and darted back with his sword securing it in his sheath. He also picked out a log that was burning and rushed towards the given direction.

The other men who were young knights as she'd come to perceive gaped at them wondering what was going on.

Faye could only smile at them and nod assuring them that all was well before she rushed after him.

His strides were long and Faye couldn't have caught up with him if she never ran after him. She managed to catch up with him running even though he himself was walking.

They both came along the path where she had left Kim. "It's along here," she breathed out as Sir Arthur held the flame higher. His body tense as he quickly swept across the tranquil path.

He walked a few steps before noticing two unmoving horses and he gripped the edge of his sword, moving stealthily, ready to strike but then spotted the dark figure of the lady he was seeking sprawled on the ground.

He swiftly gave the burning log that illuminated the path to Faye, who unexpectedly caught it without burning herself, then he dashed towards the sprawled figure.

Sir Arthur knelt down beside her on one knee, gathering her from the dirty ground where she lay limp, the grip on Zaine's left leg loosened. Her eyes were barely open and he scooped her up laying her head on his raised thigh.

He shook her small dainty shoulders gently pleading with her". Get up," it came out more as a command but there was an underlying tenderness in his tone.

With Faye now catching up with him, he could now see the paleness of her face and the dried tears patched up on her cheeks. Her brown locks were now tangled in a mass of maple leaves and she was shaking like a leaf in winter.

He carefully ran his thumb over her still face feeling how cold she was as he rubbed the dirt that lingered there and hoisted her up cradling her closer to his warm self.

"What about the horses?" Faye asked as she followed. She was worried sick for Kimberly though the horses couldn't be left out here.

"Later," she heard him lowly speak as he speed-walked back to the makeshift camp.

He strolled into the large tent Faye had seen him come out of before, still carrying Kim, and she assumed it was his.

The knights who still lingered around the fire gaped at them murmuring not so quietly amongst themselves. Their unfriendly master had rushed out so suddenly only to come back with a lady in his arms, it was a sight to see.

Faye followed hesitantly into the large tent feeling the eyes of the other knights on her back. She lifted the flap of the tent and walked in surprised at how warm the place felt.

Kim was now laying on a makeshift bed with a large blanket covering her body where she was securely tucked in.

Sir Arthur knelt by her side with a small damp cloth in his large hand that softly wiped the layers of dirt on Kim's face and the dried up tears that left ugly marks on her frail face.

She could have done that but Faye held her tongue.

She stood at the entrance for a while before he noticed her and motioned her to seat across him on the other end where there was enough room.

He began moving the leaves in her hair and Faye couldn't hold herself any longer. "Sir, you can let me do that," she offered not feeling comfortable that she just sat by when her friend was unwell .

Sir ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now