• Twenty-six

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The wind blew westwards as the trees bend merrily forming a beautiful pattern. Dried leaves fell down on the cool shade underneath the trees where three ladies lay on a purple mat.

"The wind's getting stronger, let's fly the kites again." Lily grinned upwards staring at the clear sky and then back at the two girls.

Kim was laying on her back with her knees bent and her feet planted on the mat. Faye's position was no better as she lay on her side, her legs stretched far apart. One wouldn't agree they were ladies.

They both seemed out of breath after all the running around as sweat tricked down their foreheads, their breathing heavy and bodies out of energy though from the left, Lily appeared just fine.

The ladies barely exercised thus their unfit nature, especially lady Kimberly. Today was their picnic day at the mountains. Faye had chosen this place out from a map and it was greatly satisfying.

Birds of all colors and types flew by as some perched on the broad tree branches keeping them company as they chirped melodiously. A small stream passed by so they didn't need to worry about their thirst. Everything about the place was simply perfect.

"I can't run any more," Kim mumbled from her position closing her eyes for a second in fatigue. She had taken almost a litre of water yet her throat was still dry.

Flying kites was good. She was always excited about it but the result that came with the running around wasn't something she enjoyed. Her limps got sore and her body slumped in exhaustion.

She looked up at the large tree they were settled under, the leaves broad thriving in liveliness and color. They were beautiful. How she wished she'd look that way.

Her cheeks heated up when she remembered Sir Arthur calling her exquisite. How ironic she thought if she could barely stay fit. Kim was always not concerned about her appearance but lately it had started to show.

She wanted to look better and her dear friends Faye and Lily had obviously caught on.

"Did you see that Faye?" Lily snickered in front of her. Faye stirred then sat up joining Lily beside Kim. "I've come to know that look."

"Ooh, tell me about it." Lily continued as Kim looked up trying to ignore them but then the biggest betrayer, her face, had her abruptly sitting upright.

"I should update you on some of this details," Faye began completely having Lily's attention as she sat cross-legged facing her enthusiastically. How she loved learning about new information.

"Remember that day it suddenly got dark?" Faye asked casting a brief glance at Kim. She had face away from them though she was listening. One could tell with her body movements. She was constantly rubbing her thigh.

Lily nodded in pure bliss. "Yes, continue." You could feel the excited in her voice so Faye added, "We were stuck in the mountains then he helped us," she took a deep breath then, "and don't get me started on how he took Kim to-"

The purple mat got pulled on one end and  Faye screeched nearly falling on her face. Lily stared interestingly at Kim in a surprised frown. She wanted to hear the full details.

"Really, Kim!" Faye almost shouted sending a glare her way. "Come on Faye, continue." Lily pulled her arm to bring her attention back.

"His tent was-" Lily stopped her from continuing now lost and since she wanted to know every detail about that day she requested, "Start from the beginning please."

"There is nothing to hear," Kim drank another cup of water then pulled the basket of cakes they'd carried closer to her.

"But," Lily sighed displeased that she didn't get to know what happened. She had to do a little catching up with Faye. She had lastly heard from them that day in embroidery class and a lot seemed to have happened. It had been almost a month.

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