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Chapter one | Nevaeh


I woke up in sweat and looked around with wide eyes as I panted. My roommate was sound asleep, her slight snores filling the room. I closed my eyes and fell back, letting out a loud sigh. I shifted my gaze to my night stand to see the time, '8:23am'.

Why weren't these pills working?

I removed the sheets from off of me and stepped out of bed, my feet slipping into my fluffy slippers. I walked straight into the bathroom to get ready. We didn't have classes today which was great because I wasn't in the moment for a lecture. Though I still had a paper to write.

Finishing half an hour later and walking out, I noticed Josie up scrolling on her phone. "Morning" She ignored me. "You want to go get coffee?" I tried again, and this time she did look up, "No. Can you stop trying to talk to me every time you see me? I get that you're a loner but I don't pity you enough to want to be your friend " She rolled her eyes and averted her eyes back to the device in her hands.

"Sorry" I mumbled before quickly gathering my things and walking out.

I passed some of my classmate as I walked and as expected, none of them greeted me. I was used to it, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

Entering the coffee shop, I headed straight to the back and took a seat. I started coming here last week, it had just opened and I decided to check it out. It was a nice place to concentrate. The smell of cinnamon hit my nose as I took my computer and notebook out of my bag.

I put my ear pods in my ears and began to work.

An hour later, I felt achieved as I finished the first half of my paper. I took a sip of the black coffee I ordered and looked around. Only about eleven people were in here today, way less than the amount I was used to seeing.

Observing outside the glass doors, I furrowed my eyebrows when I noticed a police car but shrugged it off and went back to work.

Though my eyes immediately lifted when I heard the chime of the bell and two figures stepped in. They both looked in their mid twenties and the badge on their shirts made it obvious they were the ones parked outside.

The woman put a strand of her brunette hair behind her hair before placing her hands on her hips, observing in front of her.

The man made her look like a dwarf. He brushed his black curly hair out of his face as a scary scowl was set on his handsome face. His black short sleeved t-shirt made his sleeve tattoo show on his right arm, and a few small ones on his left.

I averted my eyes down to my computer screen that was now black when the woman's eyes met mine. I quickly tapped the mouse, making it come on again and tried to type something to make it less obvious that I was looking at them.

I looked up through my eyelashes and a relieved feeling washed over me when both their attention was turned to the cashier who looked like he was trembling in his shoes.

The man's muscular arms crossed over his chest and he looked at the boy with a slight glare as the woman was speaking. I could tell this was a good cop, bad cop moment.

The next thing I knew, the woman pointed to the customers and the cashier nodded with a frightened look on his face. She smiled before going to the table to the very front.

The man stayed right by the door, looking around with the same scowl on his face, but my heart fell when his eyes suddenly met mine. I quickly dropped my gaze.

"Hi" A very sweet voice greeted a few minutes later and I looked up to the see the woman. I paused the music and took out my ear pods before smiling. "Hi" I was glad I didn't stutter because my heart was racing and my hands were shaking right now. Don't let it show, don't let it show. I repeated in my head.

"Can I sit?" I nodded, keeping my smile on my face. I smelled her perfume as she sat down and fell in love with the scent. I need that. She took out a small notebook and a pen out of her pocket before gently smiling.

"I'm detective Ken, do you come here often?" I closed my laptop and set my arms gently on top of it, "Um, I started coming here last week" She slowly nodded, "Have you noticed anything suspicious lately?" I furrowed my eyes, "Like anything unusual" She said, probably sensing my confusion. I shook my head, "No.. not really" She quietly sighed.

"What's your name?" She pulled out a card and slid it to me, "Nevaeh" She smiled, "Nevaeh, there's some rumours about this café, well more the owner so just.. be cautious if you come here okay?" The tone in her voice was like she was telling me to come here at all. I nodded and she looked down when her phone vibrated. I lifted my eyes to the giant still standing by the door who was typing on his phone.

Was he really texting her when he could just walk over here?

She rolled her eyes at her phone, "I should get going". I nodded in understanding, "Just call me if you ever feel something's off okay?" I nodded once again as she gets up, "Nice meeting you, Nevaeh" She smiled before walking off.

I watched in amusement as she slightly punches his arms before walking out. He sends a glare to the cashier who looked at him with fear in his eyes before following detective Ken.

I smiled to myself before going back to work.


I left the café at one o' clock and was very happy that I got my work done. It wasn't due until another week so I could just relax and not have to stress about it.

"Yes, she will"

I heard on the other side of my dorm room and opened the door to see Josie throw her phone on the bed before smiling at me.

She was smiling at me?

I put my things down beside my bed on the floor before slipping off my shoes. "Hey uhh" Josie trailed off and I curiously observed her, "I just wanted to apologize for being so mean to you all the time, I'm just not good at communication" She looked down in shame and a frown pulled at my lips.

"It's okay, Josie" I smiled and she suddenly looks up with a happy glint in her brown eyes. "There's a party Friday night and I would like if you could come" She asked hopefully.

I hadn't gone to party since summer.

But I was finally making a friend since I came here, it would be wrong to decline.


She squealed in excitement before hugging me and I froze.

"Shh baby, I haven't got to the good part yet" He whispered in my ear.

I shook my head.

"You're going to enjoy this" I let out a loud scream as he entered me.

My breathing increased.


My eyes snapped to the small blonde in front of me, "You okay?" I nodded and gave her a bright smile. "The party's at 9 so we'll leave like 8:30" She explained before picking up her phone and went in the bathroom.

As soon as the door closed, I rushed to my drawer. I quickly put the pill in my mouth and chugged down the water from the bottle I had on my nightstand. I sat on my bed and clenched my eyes shut as I sighed heavily.

Please work this time.


Unlike my other books, I'm trying not to let this one start off boring and waste time. I think this is gonna be a slow burn but I'm not sure as yet. Also, working on the suspense thing.

Tell me what you think🤍

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