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Chapter seven | Nevaeh


"Morning, sleepy head. You have plans today?"

Summer's voice filled my ears as I walked towards the kitchen island, sitting on one of the chairs and placing my bag which she must've noticed beside me. "Morning", I mumbled tiredly, rubbing my eyes. "I have two classes" She made a small "o" shape with her mouth as she set a plate in front of me and I smiled in thanks before digging in.

"Do you have someone to look after Bella?" I swallowed and asked after noticing the little girl was nowhere to be seen. "I'll take her to the office with me" She took a sip of her coffee and I suddenly felt bad for both of them.

I spent one day there and I was bored out of my mind. I thought of how Bella felt having to go there most of the time- having nothing to do. Then Summer, having to work and look after your child was probably a handful.

I wondered where Bella's father was... but kept that question in my head. It was none of my business.

"I'll be done by one this afternoon, I can pick her up from the office then bring her here..." I trailed off, remembering I didn't have any kind of transportation.

"I need my car..." She sighed, as if she read my mind. "Thank you for trying to help, I'll figure something out okay?" She smiled. "Okay" I finished my breakfast and stood up, "Shit" I looked at her confusingly. "How are you going to get at school? I'm not even ready!" She rapidly ran upstairs and I blinked, not knowing what to do.

I was planning on catching the bus, though I had no idea what time it would pass by. It was around nine-thirty right now and my first class was at ten.

She came down the stairs not long after and sat down again. I was still standing there confused.

"Detective Turner is coming for you, are you okay with that?" I slightly gulped and nodded.

There would be no Bella this time. Just me and him. The thought made me shiver.

"He said he would be here in fifteen minutes, you're not going to be late right?" I shook my head. Maybe by a few minutes depending at the speed he drove, but she didn't need to know that. Safe to say, I was topping all of my classes so I don't think it would matter that much.

Exactly fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Summer smiled before getting up and walking me to the door. "Hey!" She cheered as I tried not making it obvious that I was hiding behind her but that went to water when she gave him a quick hug and those green eyes met my brown ones for a quick second.

"Where's Bella?" He asked when he pulled away, "I don't need her getting mad at me again for not saying hi" He playfully rolled his eyes and Summer laughed. "She's sleeping" He said nothing to that, only looked at me making Summer look as well and I saw something close to realization flash in her bright eyes.

"She finishes school at one so-" My eyes widened, knowing what she was about to say. I didn't want him getting mad at me for having to take me around again. He more than likely had better things to do. "Summer, it's fine. I can catch a ride with one of my classmates" I lied through my teeth as I smiled brightly.

"You sure?" I quickly nodded. "Okay, text me if you need anything" I nodded again before walking past her and standing next to the giant who I felt tense. He really didn't like me.

"Have a nice day!" Summer called out from the door as we both started walking towards the familiar car I rode in just two days ago. I waved goodbye with a smile before getting in, instantly feeling the blasting AC.

He wasted no time and drove off, unbothered by how cold the car was. I looked over his attire, white t-shirt covered by a black leather jacket and black jeans. His eyes stared ahead and I noticed his jaw was clenched.

Stop staring!

I averted my gaze to in front of me and closed my eyes , trying to distract myself from the fact that I was freezing. I let out a harsh breath and gripped the end of my blouse.

Five minutes went by. Then suddenly those large hands reached to turn the AC off before lowering the glass. "Thank you" I smiled, "Mhm" Those eyes not leaving the road.

A phone started ringing and I could tell it was mine when 'Don't blame me' loudly filled the silence. I hurriedly took it out of my bag, my face heating up in the process. Though my heart sunk when I saw the caller ID.

I declined it and put my phone on silent before turning my gaze to the road once again.

I clenched my eyes shut as my breathing increased. Not right now, not right now.

"He raped me! Why don't you believe me?!" I shouted, harshly gripping my hair as tears streamed down my face.

"Stop with this story! Just because you're mad about him breaking up with you-" I shook my head in disbelief, "-doesn't mean you get to make up such a fake story!" Dad yelled as mom stood behind him with her arms crossed, disappointment written all over face.

"Why would I lie about something like this?! He took me up those steps, t-tore my close off, and-" I started sobbing and fell to my knees, "I told him to stop, he didn't stop" I cried in my hands.

"He didn't stop, he didn't stop" I repeated to myself.

"Go to your room" Mom sternly said and I felt my throat tighten. "Go to your room, Nevaeh." She let out an impatient sigh. I didn't move. "Go to your room, dammit!" I flinched, and slowly stood to my feet and walked up the stairs.

"Making up a story so stupid just because a boy doesn't want you. Luckily, we won't have to listen to all this when she goes to college" I slightly turned to see mom with her head on dad's chest as he rubbed her back soothingly.

I turned back around and made my way to my room door, "How did she grow up to be so desperate?" I shut my door and slid down to the floor.

My eyes shot open and I realized we had reached our destination.

Killian eyes held confusion when I took a quick glance at him. My shaky hands reached for the handle and opened the door. I jumped out and grabbed my bag, "Are you okay?" My heart jumped at the question and I quietly cleared my throat.

"Yeah, thanks for the ride" I smiled brightly, hoping it reached my eyes. I shut the door and walked towards the building. I looked behind me before going inside and was caught by surprise when I saw the car still out there and Killian looking at me with a narrowed look.

I waved and went inside. I pulled my phone out of my bag to check the time which was ten o' two. Ignoring the four miss calls from my mother, I pushed it back and hurriedly ran to my first class.


Don't blame me is a bop, idc.


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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