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Chapter three | Nevaeh


Detective Ken stepped in and closed the door behind her. The look in her eyes was filled with something I was used to seeing, disappointment. "Why did you do-"

"I didn't do anything" I said, hoping she'd believe me but she sighed before turning her gaze to Josie who's face were wet with tears.

"What's wrong honey?" She rested on the table and looked at the girl who was obviously faking her cries with sad eyes. "S-She" She sniffed and rubbed her eyes, "S-She forced us and yet I'm in trouble-"

"You're not in trouble" My mouth fell open.

Excuse me?

"Really?" Josie asked with hopeful eyes, "Well, I don't think you'll be" Detective Ken took a glance at me before continuing, "We'll have to look more into it" She smiled gently and the girl 'sobbed' once again

The woman's phone vibrates and she looked at it with confusion on her face. I looked around to see the mysterious man outside the glass with his phone in his hands. I chuckled. Suddenly, Detective Ken walked outside and the man walked away from the window, but not before giving me a pointed look.


"You look worried honey" The devil's daughter sarcastically smiled, "They'll look into it and find out the truth" She scoffed, "I don't know if you've noticed but everyone that was there is white and you.." She looked over me and my gaze narrowed, "Well you know"

"Are you serious right now?" She smiled.

"I really can't believe you right now. I actually thought you wanted to be friends but instead I get this" She rolled her eyes, "Not my fault you're so desperate for people to like you" I gulped, "I could have already had my money right now if it wasn't for that idiot" She hissed to herself and I looked at her in disbelief.

"Were you seriously going to get paid if Tyler raped me?!" I stood up and shouted, "He wasn't going to rape you! Just touch you a bit" She folded her arms, "It doesn't fucking matter!" I took a step towards her when all of a sudden the door burst opened and she immediately started crying.

"What's going on here?!" The same man that brought us here yelled, "S-She hit me" Josie sobbed and he looked at me with angry eyes, "You with me, now" He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the door. "Stop" The familiar sweet voice commanded, "She didn't do anything"

"Yes she did, she-"

"Do you have proof or are you just discriminating her because of the color of her skin?" She raised her eyebrows and he let go of my arm. He sent me a glare before walking off. I looked at her with wide eyes but she came over and reached out to hug me but I stepped back.

Too much touching for one night. "I'm sorry I doubted you Nevaeh" She gave me a sad look, "How did you find out?"

"Well for one, cameras so we know you didn't hit her, and we always record our conversations when we're interrogating" Oh.

Wait, was that why the man looked at me like that?

"Oh, it's fine. You can't believe everyone with your job" I chuckled, though I felt a lump in my throat.

"Yeah, but I want to know if you're okay" I gulped before smiling, "Yes, don't worry" She sighed, "You don't have to lie honey. Officers are questioning that girl right now and we'll report him once we get all the details" She gave me a reassuring look before walking off.

I rubbed my face and sighed. "How will you get home?" I jumped at the sudden voice and turned around to see the mysterious man leaning against a desk with his arms folded. His black attire matching the persona he gave off. "I have a dorm at my college and well... she's my roommate" I let out a dry laugh.

"Hm" He said nothing else and walked away shortly after.

Not long after, detective Ken came to me. "So she's your roommate. Do you have anyone you can stay with?" I sighed and shook my head, "Well I have an extra room at my place" She suggested and my lips went in a thin light as I thought about it.

She's a police officer...

Doesn't mean she's not a bad person.

She could kill me.

She would be doing me a favor.

"Okay" She smiled and got her purse and coat before leading me out of the building.

"How long have you been a detective?" I asked as we drove, trying to make conversation. "About 4 years" I slowly nodded, "How old are you?"

"28, you?"

"18" She chuckled, "Oh I remember those days" I laughed, though this age wasn't anything special to me. Just absolutely miserable.

The rest of the drive we got to each other more. Turns out, she was a single mother and had a daughter who was with her babysitter. I was kind of excited to meet her.

"We're here" I stepped out of the car, observing the casual two story house. She opened the front door and was met with a little figure's hand around her legs. I smiled as she picked the little girl up and kissed her face, making her giggle.

"Who's this mommy?" Her brown doe eyes stared curiously at me, "This is Nevaeh" She put her down and she kept looking at me. "Nevaeh, this is Bella, my daughter" I waved and she smiled brightly, showering her little teeth.

"You're so pretty" She whispered, admiring me and I chuckled, "So are you"

We were interrupted when a girl who looked to be my age walked out of the kitchen, a phone in her hand, "Summer, you're home early" She nervously laughed and I looked at Detective Ken as she glared at her. "Really Rya? You didn't even notice me coming home? What if I was a stranger? A burglar? Bella ran straight to the door! She could have been in danger! I pay you to watch her not your phone!" I watched with wide eyes as she took deep breaths.

"I was watching her! I just went on my phone just now!"

"No you weren't" Bella spoke up, "Mommy I haven't eaten all day" She pouted and crossed her little arms over her chest. The action made me think back to the man at the police station.

"Get the hell out of my house. Now." The woman beside me said lowly as she clenched her fist. The girl huffed before walking out, slamming the door. Detective Ken immediately stooped down to her daughter, "I'm so sorry baby, I'll make you something okay?" Bella nodded with a smile on her face.

Detective Ken looked tired. The bags under her eyes were very visible and the light in her eyes always seemed.. forced. Then something popped up in my head. "Detective Ken-"

"You can call me Summer" She smiled, walking to the kitchen. "Right, Summer. Do you want me to make her something?" She looked at me confused, "And you as well" I added, "It's okay-" She tried to decline but I cut her off.

"No I want to. It's the least I can do for you making me stay here" I smiled, "Okay... just tell me if you need anything" She reached out for Bella's hand, "Come on baby, let's take your shower" They headed up the stairs and disappeared in a room.

I smiled at the sight before continuing with the meal.

(Above is Nevaeh)

Do you like the book so far? It's kind of different, so please be honest♡

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