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Chapter five | Nevaeh


If looks could kill, I would've already been dead. "No" My eyes narrowed, "Why? Maybe I can-" Summer interrupted me with a heavy sigh, "It's not your job, honey" I harshly swallowed and looked at the girl before shifting my eyes back to the two detectives in front of me.

"Please?" They both shook their heads, "Fine" I huffed.

"Ken! Turner!" A voice called out for them and they both looked at one another, "We'll be back" Summer gave me her common warm smile before walking away. "We?" I heard detective Turner mumble under his breath before following behind her.

I bit my lip as I watched their retrieving backs until they were out of sight. I looked side to side before walking into the room.. I know what I was doing was stupid, but curiosity got the best of me.

Her clear blue eyes looked up at me and I noticed her hands shaking a bit. "Hi" I quietly greeted with an inviting smile and she sniffed. "H-Hi" I walked closer to her, "Can I sit?" I asked, pointing at the seat in front of her and she nodded.

"Are you a detective?" Her voice was so soft and quiet, if I wasn't actually trying to hear her, I wouldn't have heard her question. "No... um I'm a friend of one of the detectives" She rubbed her stuffy nose that looked slightly red.

"Are you mad at me too?" I instantly shook my head, "No" She looked down.

"What's your name?" Yes, I already knew it. But I wanted to hear it from her and not make her feel like I was discussing about her to the others. Even though I was.

"Faith" I gave her small smile, "Well, why are you here Faith?" Tears started forming in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. It made me frown. "You're allowed to cry" She looked up at me and sniffed again, "My mom.. hurts me" She whispered.

"In what way?"

"She... burns me w-with her cigarette sometimes, a-and lets her boyfriend.. hit me with a belt.. and h-he" Her voice cracked and my heart ached for her. How could no one believe this girl?

"What does he do, Faith?" A tear slid down her cheek and she sniffed once again, "He touches me" I froze. He did what?

My chest tightened as I clenched my eyes shut.

"D-Does" I cleared my throat, "Does your mother allow it?" She whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself in a way of comfort before nodding. I couldn't stop myself. I hugged her and she cried into my neck. My eyes got blurry but I quickly blinked away my tears.

"No one believes me" She sobbed and I rubbed her back. "I believe you, Faith" I whispered.

It.. angered me knowing that I wasn't the only one going through something like this.

And that no one believed us.

We sat there for a few minutes, before I told her I had to go outside for a minute. She didn't want me to go and held on to me tighter, trying to stop me. I then said I would come back, making her slowly nod and finally releasing her grip before curling up in the corner of the couch like she did before.

Walking out, I was met with the detectives I disobeyed. Summer's eyes held a sad emotion while detective Turner gave the girl through the window a curious glance before turning his green eyed gaze to me.

"We told you not to go in there" I kept a straight face as he spoke, though is dark tone sent shivers down my spine. I almost apologized- almost.

"Well I did, detective" I had no idea where that came from, but it didn't stop, " You should know that girl's mother burns her, allows her boyfriend to beat her-" He narrowed his gaze, "-and sexually assault her. I have no regret going in there"

I was trying my best to stay calm. To not bitch slap everyone that heard all of that and chose not to believe, especially her so-called mother and her disgusting excuse of a boyfriend.

"That's what she said?" Summer's shocked voice was heard and I nodded, not removing my eyes from the man in front of me. His jaw clenched and he took a few seconds before walking away.

"I don't like him" I confessed, turning my gaze to the brunette who let out a low chuckle, "He's not that bad" I scoffed. "I doubt that" She softly laughed.

"Are you two related?" I suddenly asked and she gave me a funny look before shaking her head, "We're just really close, he's like the big brother I never had"

"How old is he?"


I furrowed my eyebrows, making her laugh. "Have you seen him? Despite me being older than him, he treats me like a little sister" I slowly nodded, deciding not ask anymore questions. She was about to say something else when a door opening caught my attention.

Faith walked out with a frightened look.

Her tear free face was pale and her eyes were puffy. Her brown hair with blonde highlights a little messy as some strands stuck to her red nose. "What's wrong?" I rushed to her and asked, her eyes on Summer. "Who are you?" She croaked, "I'm de-" She stopped at the look I shot her way, "Summer"

Faith obviously didn't feel comfortable talking with the police, and honestly I couldn't blame her.

Her blue gaze set on me again, "I saw my mom" She pointed behind me and I immediately spun around but saw no one, "Where?"

"She walked past with a bald man. She'll want to take me home if she sees me and I don't want to-"

"You can't go home until we figure everything out honey" Summer jumped in with a warm smile and I felt the girl relax. "I'm tired of being in there" I looked at Summer and she looked deep in thought for a minute before smiling, "Come on" She stretched her hand out and Faith looked at me, "Can you come too?" I nodded.

It didn't take me long to realize that we were heading towards where Bella was. On our way there, I would see Faith's eyes looking around us in alert and every time I noticed, I would squeeze her hand in reassurance.

Summer opened the door and we were met with Bella who still had her face buried in my phone. "Ahem" Summer placed her hands on her hips as her four year old kept her eyes on the screen, "Ahem" She said a little louder, making her doe eyes snap up to us.

"Mama" She ran into her mom's arms and kissed her cheek before turning her gaze, "Oh when did you get here?" She giggled and I shook my head in amusement. "Baby, this is Faith" Summer looked at Faith who surprisingly smiled and cute dimple popped up on her left cheek. It warmed my heart.

"You're so cute" She looked at Bella with adoration, "I know" I chuckled at her response.

"Okay missy" Summer kissed her cheek before putting her down, "I'm going back to work, behave" She went to walk out and my lips went in a thin line before I followed after her. She turned around and gave me a 'really' look. I sheepishly smiled.

"Stay here"



She then walked out and I huffed before sitting on one of the chairs, observing the two girls who were laughing with each other.


Again, I apologize for the short chapter. I'm really not used to writing so much words in a chapter. But as I said, I'll try to make them longer.

Also, thank you for the support.

Love you all!♡

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