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Chapter four| Nevaeh


"What are you doing?-" I tried to pull away as his hands trailed down my thigh, but he only squeezed them. "Jay-" He kept kissing my neck.

"Stop!" I pushed him away but not even a second later, he pulled me back and pushed me onto the bed. "Stop fighting baby" He kissed the corner of my lips and the tears started to fall.

"Don't cry, you'll enjoy it. I promise" He whispered and kissed below my ear before unzipping his pants.

He entered me and I let out a loud scream. "Stop! Please!" He continued to kiss my neck and I felt disgusted at his touch. "Jay!"



"You're hurting me!"


"Please stop!"


I felt someone shaking me and rapidly sat up, my eyes frantically searching my surroundings. "Honey, hey, it's okay" Summer's voice reached my ears and she started to wrap her arms around me but I jumped away from her, looking at her with wide eyes.

"D-Don't, please" I whispered and tiredly wiped my face. She gave me a sad smile, "I'll give you your space, but I'm here if you want to talk about it" She got up off the bed, "I want to take us out for breakfast in a bit. There's a tooth brush in the bathroom and you can use an outfit of mine okay?" I nodded, smiling and she gave me one last worried look before walking out.

My smile immediately fell and tears started pouring down my face.

I need my pills.

They were supposed to make me not have nightmares but, I still did. Though, they were short ones and not long like the ones I had when I didn't take them.

Thirty minutes later, I was downstairs waiting for Summer and Bella to come down. "Sorry for the wait Nevaeh, Bella takes too long with her shoes sometimes" Summer came rushing down with the little girl in her arms and I smiled, "It's okay"

We made it to the diner and we ordered what we wanted to eat. Bella was busy playing with the menu, mumbling words I couldn't comprehend under her breath, while I looked around as Summer did the same.

I could feel that she wanted to talk about this morning, I just hoped she wouldn't ask about it.

"Nevaeh, can I ask what happened?" I spoke too soon.

I shrugged, "Nothing" and she gave me a 'I don't believe you' look. I smiled, "I promise, Summer. It was nothing"

"Nothing doesn't make you jump up with tears on your face and make you look around for any sign of danger coming your way" I gulped, "It's nothing" I mumbled, making her sigh.

Our food came a few minutes later and we all dug in. I was lost in the sweet taste of the last piece of my pancake when I heard a phone ring. My parents hadn't called me since I moved out here, so I didn't expect it to be mine. Summer picked it up and excused herself before walking out, I could still see her through the glass doors with her hands on her hips.

"Yum" My eyes to Bella who had syrup all over mouth and tiny hands and was trying to lick it off. I quietly laughed to myself before going to her side, wiping it off with a napkin. After struggling a lot, I decided to take her to the bathroom to wash her hands. When we came back, Summer was still outside and Bella was looking around with a mischievous twinkle in her bright blue eyes.

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