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Chapter two | Nevaeh


I grabbed my purse and sat down, waiting for Josie to be done checking herself in the mirror. She had on a backless red dress and heels that had laces trail up her feet. I looked down at my jeans, baggy grey sweater that covered my crop top and sighed

"Come on, let's go" She got her things from her bed and we started making our way out of the building. I made my way to the front of her jeep explorer when she stopped me, "Sit at the back, I'm picking up my best friend" She got in the driver's side.

My lips went in a thin before I got in the back. I was silent as we drove towards wherever her best friend was. We stopped somewhere and a blonde got in, she turned around and looked at me and before dryly chuckling. I furrowed my eyebrows.

We continued our drive, the entire time I was gripping my purse in slight anger as they both didn't even bother to not sing the N-word in the songs they were listening to. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

Fifteen minutes later, we finally reached our destination and I was the first to come out. They both did not long after. The front yard was kind of dark, and no one was there.. I thought this was a party...?

Josie and the unknown girl hooked arms before walking in the yard and I followed silently behind them. Entering, only five people were in the house. I grew confused, "I thought this was a party" I whispered to the girl who was busy laughing with her friends. "Chill, we're just gonna stay here then go to the party later"

"You didn't say that before-"

"Who's this?" A guy came up to us with a smirk on his face as he looked me up and down. "Tyler, this is Nevaeh. My roommate" Josie replied while chuckling.

"I want to go" She rolled her eyes, "Oh come on babe, not so soon" The jock wrapped his arms around my shoulder and my heart fell.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

I could feel my hands start to shake.

"Stop screaming baby, no one can hear you" He chuckled and bit my earlobe as I clenched my eyes shut, sobbing quietly.

"You zoning out on me?" He went in to kiss my cheek but I pulled away, "I want to go Josie" I said seriously, "Just five more minutes, damn" She walked away and I was left alone with Tyler. "You want to make out?" He suggested, looking at me. I walked away.

Five minutes turned into ten, then twenty, and before I knew it, an hour had passed. I sat on the corner of one of the couches, observing everyone as they chugged down beers and passed around a blunt. "Come on Nevaeh, take a sip" One of Josie's friend came up to me with a red cup in her hands.

I shook my head with a polite smile, "Come on" She pushed it towards me, "I don't drink" I said and noticed Tyler walking over to us, sitting right text to me, "Come on baby, just take a sip" He took the cup out of the girl's hands and just like she did before, pushed it towards me.

I cringed at the pet name.

"I don't drink" I said a little slower and he rolled his eyes, letting out an annoyed sigh. Everyone on the ground was looking at us. Two guys having smirks on their faces. "Why do you have to be such a stubborn bitch?" He hissed and I looked at Josie in disbelief. She laughed.

"Just take the damn drink Nevaeh" She gulped down the beer she had in her hands. "No" Tyler suddenly got up and grabbed my arm, "What are you-" He pulled me up and headed for the stairs. My eyes widened.

"Please stop, please!"

"You're going to enjoy it, I promise"


My breathing got heavy and I tried my best to get out of his grip. I turned my head to Josie who watched us with amused eyes. Why wasn't she helping me?!

We were almost at the top when we heard a loud knock on the front door. Everyone froze.

"Police, open up!" Tyler let go of my arms and I pulled it towards me, rubbing the ache. I ran down the stairs and rushed to the door as everyone tried to hide every thing they were using.

Opening the door, I was met with a police officer and I felt relief wash over me. Thank God.

"What you got going on in there?" He asked with a narrowed look, "Sir, my roommate dragged me here and her friend-" I was interrupted when Josie came out of nowhere with tears on her face. "S-Sir she brought every thing here and forced us to take them" She cried and my mouth gaped open.

She was the one that brought me here! Her friend almost-

Oh my God, Tyler almost..

"You two come with me" The police officer grabbed my arm harshly before looking at her with soft eyes.


When we reached the police station, I hissed in pain as he pulled me out of the car. I took a look at Josie to see her give me a smirk and when the officer looked back, her smirk turned into a frown before she wiped her face. His eyes held sympathy.

"What's going on?" A woman came up to him and he pointed at me, "This one forced her and her friends to take some stuff" Josie's 'sobs' were heard and I rolled my eyes, "You want me to get Summer for you?" He nodded at the question.

We were both pushed into a room with a glass that you could see the different desks outside and we took the seats in front of the white table that was at the center of the table. "Nervous?" She smirked and I glared, "Why are you doing this? You're the one who dragged me there. You watched your friend drag me up those steps and said nothing. He was going to-" I stopped myself and took a deep breath.

"You done?" I kept my gaze on the table instead of answering her.

"He was just going to do some stuff to you, stop being a baby" She scoff and I closed my eyes, clenching my fist. "What? You mad?" She taunted.

"They're not going to believe you" I whispered and she laughed, "Honey please, they already do" She grabbed my arm and I tried to pull in back but she gripped it tightly. She held out hers and put both of them side by side in front of us, "And I think you know why" She smirked and harshly dropped hand down, making it hit against the handle of the chair. I hissed.

Her face going back to that frown made me know someone was coming in. To my surprise, it was a familiar face.



This chapter is kinda short so I apologize
Tell me what you think so far♡

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