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Chapter six | Nevaeh


A knock on the door made me sit up from my slouching in the chair that started hurting my back thirty minutes ago. It was almost seven so I basically sat in this room all day. Faith left about an hour to answer some questions so it was just me and Bella. The four year old fell asleep as soon as my phone died so I laid her down on the table.

"Ready?" Summer came in and asked, my heart jumped. I didn't want to go back to my dorm room, but I didn't want to over stay at Summer either.

"Yeah" I mumbled tiredly before standing and stretching. "I'm sorry I made you stay in here all day" The brunette shot me an apologetic smile as she picked up her daughter whose head fell on her shoulder as soon as she was in her arms.

"It's alright, I wouldn't have done anything anyway" I gave her a small smile, making her sorry look ease.

As we started walking out of the building, we heard a loud voice shout, "Ken!" I turned around seeing a fit, tan man jogging over to us. "Yes?" She asked when he came to a stop in front of her, "Rodriguez needs you-" His eyes fell on me, "Hello there" I didn't miss how his gaze trailed over my body.

I was about to reply when the woman in front of me spoke, "Minor. What does Rodriguez need me for?" The tone in her voice and look in her eyes was enough for me to know she did not like him.

He rolled his eyes before turning his gaze back to her. "Some man found a dead body, blah blah blah. He'll tell you the details" Summer let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, tell him I'll be there in a sec" He nodded and winked at me before walking away. "Son of a bitch" She mumbled making me chuckle.

Her eyes met mine and she softly laughed, "Sorry about that. I have to go deal with that situation, do you mind making detective Turner take you to the house?"

"T-To the house? Am I not going to my dorm-" She threw up her one free arm in realization, "Oh yeah! You need to get some stuff from there!" How could she not see the confusion on my face? "Hold her for me so I can go get him please?" Bella was in my arms before I could respond and she ran off into the building.

She wanted me to stay another night? I wasn't complaining but, I was not expecting that at all.

She came out not long after with detective Turner behind her, not looking happy at all. I actually felt bad for him. He probably wanted to go home to his family and maybe rest, or go out with some friends. But instead he was stuck in having to take an eighteen year old to get shit from her dorm.

He stopped in front of me and my lips went in a thin line as I gave him an awkward smile. He looked at me blankly before looking away. "Do you mind Bella going with you?" She hurriedly asked as I was about to pass the little girl to her, with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Does she have a bedtime?" She smiled in thanks.

"Around 9" I then nodded.

I didn't miss the look she gave the giant before going in the building. "Let's go" His voice was gruff as he spoke. I followed silently behind him until a Ford Raptor was in sight. I placed Bella in the back seat before climbing in the front. "Where's your college?" He rasped before starting the engine and driving off.

I told him and he kept silent.

I looked out the window at the sun that was close to setting and stared in admiration before averting my eyes in front of me, seeing the slight traffic. The uncomfortable silence was making me, well, uncomfortable, so I decided to speak up. Something was telling me not to but me being me..

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