oh my..............

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Birds chirping that was the first thing that leon woke up to. Leo started moving in his bed only to feel something slithering on his neck, leon woke up from the bed and took the snake who was slithering on his neck.

"Stop slithering on my neck tupid snake. It feels very uncomfortable". complained Leo with a straight face. The white snake's golden eyes began brimming with tears a bit which made Leo freaking a bit.

"Wait- i am so sorry i did not mean that here come slither around my neck all you want".

said Leo with distress in his voice. The snake began happily slithering against his neck.

Leo began walking towards the bathroom, took his clothes off and went inside the bathtub which was full of warm water.

 Leo did not understand the reason why the snake's skin had turned red and Leo just dismissed it from the hot water.

3 buttons caught Leo's interest. The 3 buttons were flowers, bubbles and ice. and because of Leo's curiosity he pressed the flower button and flowers began blooming everywhere in the bathtub.

Leo smelled a very nice smell and his body began relaxing much better "what the fuck these flowers are so good i will absolutely use them every time i take a bath" thought leo.

Leo began bathing himself; he then pushed his leg up out of the bathtub and began wiping his leg using a loofah. 

While he was wiping his leg with a loofah he heard something or something like footsteps then just like that the bathroom door opened and there was alexander.

Silence an awkward silence.............................................................

"Alexander ever heard of privacy you should knock first, and  you should know better than that is if you want a woman to marry someone like you..." spoke leo with disinterest in his voice and a blank look.

Alexander, who also had a blank look on his face, broke from his daze upon hearing that and his cheeks began turning red from embarrassment, furiousness, or was it.............. Horniness well we will never know.

Alexander began opening his mouth but then shut it closed and began walking out before closing the door behind him, 

hm strange thought leo.

Alexander pov

I woke up and began remembering yesterday incidents, just how in the world did my stupid useless younger brother become this sassy and bossy.

I stood from my bed and went towards the toilet, took a bath and wore my clothes: a long white coat a white shirt and a white pants, something that the ice prince would wear.

I went out of my room and began walking towards Leo's room. When I entered I did not find him at all. I looked everywhere under his bed, his wardrobe and now I am gonna check the toilet stomping my way towards the toilet. I opened the door not caring about Leo's privacy.

And i saw it my brother bathing and washing his leg my mind went blank i do not know how long i was like that until leo said something that caught my attention

"Alexander ever heard of privacy   you should knock first, and you should know better than that is if you want a woman to marry someone like you...

I turned red from furiousness and embarrassment. I slammed the door shut and began walking away. All I could think about was Leo's naked body. How would it feel under me? I entered my room and sat on my bed.

Then I felt a bulge between my legs I looked down and found out i was hard

"Fuck, will i gotta go find a maid and relief my stress."

In another place


"Achhhhhhhooooooo what the hell did i get a cold or something ugh whatever just let me bathe in peace."

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