lespin and me

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I walked inside the manor while holding my children.

Lespin walked in front me but he seemed quite curious at what I was holding, I mean he made it very obvious with the way his eyes were looking back at me, more specifically my arms.

I sighed as we entered his office, I totally didn't like the way the maids and butlers were looking at me. like show some respect to me, wretched vermin.

Lespin coughed awkwardly and murmured something.

¨Excuse me father, I apologise for my poor hearing but can you repeat that again¨ i asked politely.

Lespin looked shocked but then he asked again.

¨ who are the children you are holding¨

¨Oh you mean these two they are my blood children father¨

Lespin seemed to be caught out of guard when I said that.

¨Wait what.. Leo, aren't you far too young to be a father¨ screamed lespin in fright.

¨ well father my hormones acted up that is why, i mean look they look like me and also their mother¨ i said to make him calm.

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised and then said something I wasn't shocked to hear from a man like him.

¨I dont care about that, do you ever wonder what people will think when a 17 year old boy who is still not even an adult already has children... this is the biggest disgrace to the family name leo¨ lespin screamed.

i am 16, I thought awkwardly.

But I obviously saw that coming, in the novel it was mentioned that lepin was a proud man and he killed his oldest son in secret just because the boy wanted to marry the daughter of a black mage.

Years later Alexander was born then came Leo, and Leo was like a copy paste of his eldest brother.

I gasped in pain as lespin took a hold of my shoulder and shook me.

¨ Leo tell me who the mother is!!!¨

Bingo the moment i say a black mage my head would be on the ground and my children burned on a stick but if i say a white mage then i dont know what will happen.

¨ it was a white mage father¨

¨A priestess... how did she look like leo?¨ 

The moment he said that I thought of artemis.

¨ she is so beautiful father, her pretty yellow hair and her white shiny skin and most of all her nice and kind personality .¨

¨Where is she now?¨

¨ Well father she unfortunately died while giving birth to our children ¨

¨oh ............ such a shame go to your room... with your children and rest i don't want to see your disgraced face anymore¨ ordered lespin as he turned around to look outside from the window.

Me being me left the room in a lightning speed ready to go to my bed as soon as possible and rest but oh god the moment i turned around alexander was right there smirking at me.

Welp looks like the gods totally hate me.

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