Meeting Artemis

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"Huuuuuuuuuuh are you sure this is the right place ninlil" asked leo who was smudged with mud and dirt

"Yup it is" answered ninlil proudly inside his head

"How is a cave full of animals and mud is the right place" yelled leo with frustration

Leo kept on walking and walking.there were many things like green slimes, many strange creatures and even millions of cockroaches that made leo wanting to faint.

"Stop we are here" said ninlil

Leo halted in his place, he looked around and saw nothing.

"Really this is the right place" ninlil said leo sarcasm dripping in his sentences.

"Yeah i am sure this is the right place i can sense her but i have no idea where" said ninlil

"Oh please you know what, i am giving up i am going to go and find the holy power before the heroine gets it" said leo while stepping back

"Wai- please no leo i need to find my girlfriend fir-"

The ground under them shook terribly and then it opened and swallowed leo and disappeared

Leo woke up with a big ass headache. He groaned and woke up from where he was passed out.

When Leo opened his eyes his jaw immediately dropped at the sight in front of him. There was a beautiful green land with many different animals. There were dragons, lions with wings, huge butterflies, giant birds, and many more that Shu had never seen before in his past life.

Leo was left gaping with absolute stupefaction at the sight that he did not notice a shadow of a woman sitting on a tree. Leo was brought back from his daydream when he heard a beautiful giggle. He sapped his head towards the noise and saw a beautiful woman.

She has long light brown hair that goes to her hips. Her eyes were a deep blue. She was wearing a greek white dress robe. In one world she looked eternal. But poor leo was left hearing ninlil simping inside his head.

Leo was blinking slowly as he watched Ninlil kissing her girlfriend whose name is Artemis.

Leo's jaw dropped the moment their make out started getting heated. He fake coughed slowly then the girls blushed and stopped making out.

"Ughm so uh i guess since you stopped making out we can talk right now eh" said leo awkwardly.

"Oh yes we can talk..., now about my powers i will just do the same thing as ninlil but it will just hurt a little bit, okay?" said Artemis slowly.

"Okay i guess" replied Leo while nodding.

Artemis stood up then made her way towards Leo. She raised her right hand and placed it on his chest.

"Are you ready or do you want some time to prepare?" asked Artemis.

Leo took a deep breath in and out, then he replied "no i am ready"

Artemis nodded, then a bright green light shot out of Artemis hand and disappeared inside Leo's chest and then Artemis disappeared.

Leo tilted his head because he did not feel any pain but a few seconds later he felt an overwhelming pain inside his body, Leo dropped down on the ground and began moving left and right.

Leo felt as if his intestines were getting wrapped together and then cut off, his bones felt as if they were shattering and burning, his brain felt as if it just blew inside and his eyes felt as if they were melting slowly out of their sockets.

A blood curdling scream was heard inside the greenland and after a few minutes it stopped. 

Leo pov :

I woke up with a painful headache that made me groan. I opened my eyes but then closed them because of the bright light.

I took a deep breath then started opening my eyes and slowly my eyes started adjusting to the light.

I felt something wet licking me, I looked at it and my eyes almost bulged out of my sockets.

Right in front of my freaking burning eyes is a mighty dragon. It had a light cyan skin with dark cyan horns.

I gaped at the sight but then I heard hissing and right beside me was my snake ophion who I am sure went out to hunt a few weeks ago, how he found me I will never know.

I stayed frozen as the dragon was looking at me up and down as if they were examining me.

The dragon fucking huffed then a bright light enfluged the dragon.

I shielded my eyes from the light using my arms. Fucking light and it's burning sidebacks.

When the light was gone, I took my hands out of my eyes and what I saw shocked me right there was a cute baby cyan dragon with small adorable golden horns sleeping.

I embraced the dragon softly so as not to wake her up.

I always had a soft spot for children, I have always wanted one but no one wanted to marry me with how scary i was. I wonder if my family is okay now that I am dead.

I heard a low growling and I just noticed that there were many animals surrounding me...................i sweat dropped.

I blinked as the animals were looking up at me with cute puppy eyes. How did it come to this well let us just say...................... The moment I saw the animals I began running and they were chasing me so when I was about to use the wind power I heard cries and when I turned my head I saw the animals...............well..............crying, so I thought they probably wanted to tag along with me.

I sighed heavily as my shoulders slumped, I looked at the animals then at the hole up. I nodded to myself then turned towards the animals then began saying "listen if i could take you with me up i would have but you guys um monsters and well there are knights who kills you" i stopped abruptly when i saw the children tremble.

"But I can take you if you come inside my body just like what Artemis did" I scratched my head slowly.

I was ultimately stunned when all of a sudden the animals dragons, snakes, lions, strange animals came running towards me, i almost screamed but then they all turned bright blue light then entered my stomach.

I felt the cave trembling, the floor began falling, the plants began rotting, and the ceiling fell down.

I hurriedly used the wind power while shielding the female baby dragon and ophion, i began flying towards the hole. I escaped out of the hole then the entire cave turned into mud and began disappearing.

I heaved a sigh of relief then fell down on the ground, I looked at my side and saw the baby dragon looking at me curiously while ophion fainted. I smiled at the baby then began caressing her scales.

The dragon purred and slowly closed her eyes, I yawned slowly then black spots took my vision. I better give this dragon name afterall i can not keep on calling her the baby dragon.

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