bye bitches......

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An unconscious body was seen on the ground in front of a crystal tree. Leo groaned and woke up.

"Ugh my head fucking hurts groaned leo" while rubbing his for head viciously. Leo's attention then shifted towards the crystal tree, he began walking towards it slowly ' this must be it' thought leo.

Leo was now in front of the tree, leo began hesitantly pushing his right hand towards the tree and the moment he did a bright light formed from the center of the crystal tree and a gorgeous elven woman who had gorgeous cyan hair, milky skin and glowing green eyes. Her body was littered with a few scars but that made her appearance breathtaking. This beautiful elven woman was wearing a white robe around her body.

Leo was stunned with this elven woman's beauty, he had never seen a woman with this type of beauty. Leo started backing away when the woman narrowed her eyes at him.

The woman started saying, "You must be the boy who found me, come on, take my power, oh and stop staring at me. I have a girlfriend." said the woman while crossing her arms while huffing.

Leo started moving towards the lady he then asked " um if i may ask what is your name miss" leo was always taught to respect women after all women are strong species in his universe mentally and physically, woman in his universe would protect their families even if it meant sacrificing their lives that's one of the reasons why he respected them.

The woman seemed surprised by his question but then she smiled and said "well kid my name is Ninlil and yours is leo right".

Leo seemed surprised that she knew his name but he did not question her and replied "yes leo is my name miss tasha so how can i take this power of yours".

Ninlil just smiled then hugged leo just and like that she disappeared and the crystal tree broke and disappeared as if it was never there and leo felt a sensation on his stomach he felt power surging in his body. Leo smiled and he knew at that moment that he got the wind power.

Leo then felt his legs going upwards he looked down only to notice that he was flying upwards it seems that this power only needs a thought and it will do what is commanded. The moment Leo went out of the hole he began walking towards the place he was supposed to meet the carriage.

Leo finally noticed a carriage he headed towards, then the guard opened the door. Leo could see that the man was curious and wanted to ask questions but did not. Leo sat on the comfy seats with a sigh damn today was a very hard day.

Leo began looking at the ceiling of the carriage dazed at the beauty of it until he heard a sound in his head precisely " hey kid are you gonna keep on watching the ceiling or......".

To say that Leo was shocked was an understatement. He was bloody surprised like why the hell is Ninlil talking to him.

" Do not ask me kid, I am just as surprised as you but really I can help you find and collect the other powers but we will get my girlfriend first okay" said ninlil with a happy voice.

"Ah alright i guess by the way who is your girlfriend" asked leo with a curious voice

"Ohhhhhhhh my dear girlfriend is the goddess of animals and her name is Artemis she is super cute kyaaaaaaaaaaa" simped ninlil inside Leo's head.

Leo nearly choked on his spit when he heard goddess if ninlil girlfriend is a goddess that means that ninlil is a goddess herself 'damn yeah truly today is a hard today' was the last thing leo thought before he lost his consciousness.

Leo woke up when he heard the goddess ninlil whining that he should wake up because the carriage was nearing the manor, leo looked out from the window only to notice that the moon was shining brightly it is probably 12:33 pm now.

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