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I sighed for the hundredth time

"Hestia i have been walking for like 20 hours are you sure this is the cave"

"Yes i am sure so stop complaining" answered hestia with sarcasm clear in her voice.

After a while I found a door with purple mist surrounding it, I made my way towards it and for some reason the spirits inside my head stopped talking.

Just as I was about to open the door Hestia said.

" Hey kid, no matter what you see in there, it is all an illusion".

I did not understand what the meant so i shrugged it and opened the door

I opened the door slowly and what I found was a beautiful garden full of purple and white mist. I liked the garden. I have always loved beautiful things after all.

I saw 3 shadows making their way to me slowly, just as I was about to use the fire a hand reached into my face and hugged me.

And I could see their faces right in front of me. My sister was hugging me gently, my dad was ruffling my hair softly, and my mom was hugging my back.

I smiled as i closed my eyes wanting to stay in this warmth forever but then, i know this is an illusion, i know this is never going to be real.

Fire erupted from my body and burned my family. I could hear my parents horrifying screams of pain.

But the worst is my sister's cries of pain as she looks at me with betrayal. I wanted to hug and protect her from the dark world but I couldn't do it.

I just watched as she burned into nothingness.

I felt water coming out of my eyes and I slowly wiped them but no matter how hard I wiped the water, the tears just kept on coming out.

I sobbed

i never wanted to see my sister burning like that, why did it have to be me, why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i did not do anything wrong, i was a great prince and still am, a king does not cry!!!!!!!!!!!1

I kept on wiping the tears but it kept coming out. I got so frustrated that I decided to splash cold water on myself.

I huffed and looked around trying to find the dragon who I decided to name Aine. Which means brilliance,splendour, and fire.

I found Ophion and Aine sleeping on the ground with drool coming out of their mouths. I smiled softly and picked them both up.

' now hestia please tell me where am i going'

'Well you just finished the test so you know the place where your sister got burned'


'Yeah that is the place where my wife is sleeping'

I made my way and began digging the ground not before I put Aine and Ophion on the bed I made from the wind so they could sleep comfortably.

I kept on digging the muddy ground until I felt something hard beneath my hands.

I dug much harder until I found it. It was a large beautiful purple sword, decorated with purple flowers and gems.

And the moment I touched it flew right into my hands and changed into a bracelet. I looked at it and just when I was about to ask Hestia about it. I heard Hestai screaming and squealing.

And my guess was that her wife Medea was here.

' Medea darling it has been so long'

'Yes i know deary, i am so sorry if i had caused you any pain'

'Ugh please stop talking inside my mind it is annoying'

Ugh what do you want us to do boy '

'Medea calm down'

'Just do the same thing that artemis and ninlil are doing'

'..................alright i guess we could try'

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm huh mama!!!!!!!!!!!"

I caught Aine just as she was about to fall against my face, I felt ophion slithering around my leg and then wrapped himself around my neck.

I chuckled at both of them. I looked at the sky and smiled.

I may not be able to see my family ever again and I will accept that.

Since I have a family, now it may not be big and not perfect yet but I promise myself that I will take care of Ophion and Aine as if they are my own children and make sure they will have the childhood that they deserve.

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