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I yawned while opening my eyes. I looked around only to find myself in a white place , I looked right and left hurriedly trying to find the baby dragon but I could not find it.

I gave up after hours of searching and began walking straight, I can hear many sounds from screams to humming.

All of this is making me scared for some reason. I want to see mama so badly, I want to hug her, I want her to comfort me.

Out of nowhere i felt something wet fall down on me, i knew they were not tears so i looked up and what i saw was an animal that had 6 human heads, their tongue cut in half, and their brains were showing.

It had the body of a tiger but its stomach was open, intestines were coming out and there were 5 smiling heads inside the stomach.

The 12 arms were wrapped around chains made of real hearts and so were the legs.

I looked at one of the mouths that was drooling on my face, fire was forming inside and out of nowhere fire exploded and I used the holy wind powers to fly me up. The monster kept running after me.

I do not know how many hours I was fighting but I was so exhausted and hungry, I saw the animal making its way towards me. I panicked and looked left and right trying to find somewhere to hide but the place was still white.

The animal heads opened their mouths and I made a wind barrier to protect me from the impact that was about to happen. But something happened that made my eyes widen.

The fifth head was crying and muttering it was hungry, it met my eyes and then 2 hands crushed the first head and the second head in an instance that made the third, fourth and sixth head .

The fifth head screamed at me " right here stab here" i looked at the other hand that was pointing at the 3rd head that was inside the stomach.

I made my way not wasting any second, i made a wind spear and threw it at the 3rd head and broke it in a half.

The animal screamed so loudly that I fell down on the floor . I closed my eyes and used my hands to close my ears, the noise was so loud that my ears started ringing.

The noise stopped, I raised my head and what I saw in front of me was enchanting.

Right here the monster was, There was a beautiful dark skin toned Girl with short red hair and eyes, she was wearing a black dress, fire was dancing around her like a phoenix.

We made eye contact and she smiled confidently she made her way towards me and sat beside me, she looked at me and said with a rough voice:

" My name is Hestia", and just then I realised that this person in front of me is Hestia. She was one of the spirits that helped the heroine find Leo and burn Leo's body.

I nodded at how beautiful she looked. I guess the novel did not exaggerate when they said she was beautiful as a siren, well what should i reply?

" my name is leo and are you that monster that was chasing me before?".

"Ah! How rude of you to call a mighty witch like me a monster, but yes that was me.".

"Oh but if you are a witch how did you end up being like that?", Hestia seemed distraught by the question i just asked, just when i was about to ask her another question she replied with

"My lover..... When they found it i was in love with an illusion goddess, the holy white church cursed me and burned my lover's temple in front of my eyes"

Ah right i totally forgot  that LGBTQA in this world is a total sin, if they find someone who is in love with the same gender it would be death for them.... The worst kind of death.

They would kill the person, lover and family in front of them then curse them by turning them into monsters and sealing them to suffer for life.

For them a woman's job is to bear children and a man should breed a woman which seems tiring.

like imagine fucking a person for 1 hour or more ugh it gives me the creep .

I still remember the author of this book look of despair when he found out he was gonna get executed, welp he totally deserved it....i mean imagine killing three of your children because they are gay and writing 5 books full of racism and homophobic quotes.

In my world anyone who does not respect the person sexuality or gender they would be fine, but if they start doing bad things like raping their daughters, killing their son, those people will get killed the worst way possible in my world.

I only read this book because the author begged me to read it as his death wish.

"Oh okay then where is your lover?". But really who would have thought that those two were actually dating just how in the world did i not know about this.

Hestia turned towards me then said "i can feel her presence near but also weak"

I stood up and gave her my hand.

She looked at my hands confused , so i said "come one let us go find her before she disappears or whatever".

But Hestia only laughed and then said "hahahah well sorry to disappoint you but i can not leave this place only if i merge with someone"

"Well merge with me" I said. Hestia looked at me dumbly then sighed, she took my hands and stood up then out of nowhere she turned into a phoenix.

The phoenix flew around me then slowly entered my stomach, I raised my clothes up only to find a red rose with fire vines tattooed on my stomach.

I felt the entire world crumbling but I kept my stance. I saw a big gate with red vines surrounding it.

I walked towards it then entered it and the first thing that i saw was something flying towards me then...............


hey my cuties i know it has been so long since i have uploaded but do not blame me, blame it on my school and my 9th grade teachers and my mental unstableness.

alright so here is a bit about  me

1- i am 13 and a half

2- i am grade 9

3- my sexuality is aro-ace but i do simp for fictional characters

4- i have 1 sister

5- i have a lesbian and a gay friend

6- i hate y/n

7- i hate meowbah 

8- i hate uwu girls and pick me girls (my classmates)

9- i am funny

10- i am a gen z (obviously)

and well you could ask me about anything that you want to know about me

and i will try to upload faster but my midterm exams are coming this 1 november  so please be patient with me. 

goodbye and


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