school time

502 31 7

Leo woke up to the sound of students' heels clicking outside his dorm.

  Leo sighed heavily not wanting to leave the bed.

‘Another school day… another torture’ leo looked at his children sleeping peacefully and smiled.

He stood up from the bed, took his school clothes and wore them while cursing at how hard it was to wear them.

“What absolute mockery of clothes are these and what is worse we are gonna start studying today…..”
Leo smacked his head against the wall in despair. 

Were the 12 years of studying in his past life all for naught.

Leo huffed, took his books and left the dorm hoping that he will not meet anyone and do something that will change the story and fasten up his death.

He began walking towards his class calmly but in a while he realized there were many different varieties of  students, nobles, commoners, different species all roaming around trying to find their classes.

‘Still i am actually very grateful that there is no welcoming speech or else i would have died right on the spot’.

Leo kept walking trying to find his class which was magician 1b, he looked around but there was no hope this entire floor was all assassination classes…. Could it be that Leo is on the wrong floor or what?

Leo stopped walking, he looked around and just saw how every single one of them was wearing assassination clothes and he was the only one wearing magician clothes.

Leo didn't know what to do ... if he only made friends on the first day of school instead of being a loner maybe he would have found his class

… now the plan of being a loner and not wanting to change the story is smacking  his face twice.. In a bad way.

Leo sighed and turned around to go find the stairs but someone held his shoulders,  he turned his face to look only to find piercing green eyes staring at him. Leo looked calmly back at her but his soul had already left his body the moment he saw her.

Alexa looked at him curiously “what are you doing here my dear junior”.

Leo looked at her in absolute daze trying to get his soul back from the heavens .

“?????? something the matter.. Oh wait are you stunned by my magical beauty junior muehehhehehehe”  alexa smirked while looking at him

at that moment leo realized just how tall she was .

she was like a  head taller than him she was probably 174cm.

“Uhhh i am lost and i dont know where the magician floor is” leo said uninterested.

“Oh hahahahhahahah don't be shy about that, same thing happened to me it was last year i tried to find my class but i pretty much went into the magician floor and there i met your brother he is such a fucking brat are you guys really siblings” alexa said while walking beside him which was awkward  considering her height and how she is taller than him

“Come on i will take you there or else you will probably go to the sniper floor and be late for your class.”alexa said smiling before putting her hand on his shoulders.

“Won't you be late for your class.” leo asked curiously.

“Ohh.. right but it doesn't matter at all. I am already late hahahaha '' Alexa laughed in delight .

Leo sweat dropped at her personality but kept on walking with her.

“Oh right, which class are you in?” alexa asked while looking around.

“Magician 1b..” was it safe to even tell her.

“Ohhh that is the same class nina was in 2 years ago.. Good for you hhahhaa”

“Alright, that is the class, the last one down the hall. I am already way too late. I am afraid i will have to face mr nikolai wrath if I don't go back now bye junior take care” alexa waved goodbye before blowing a kiss and running to god knows where.

“Well that was an interesting encounter right.. Medea” asked ninlil.

“Oh yup totally” answered medea.

“Bahaahahahhaah did you see how cool she was i like that girl already” cackled hestia.

Laocoon remained silent, he just thought something was suspicious about that girl.

“Please shut up i need some peace and quiet” leo begged

Leo kept looking at her running and then he realised the girl wasn't tall at all she was  probably wearing an 8 inch heel.. How the hell are her legs surviving all that running.

Well at least she is shorter than me.
I wonder what her real height is, maybe 161.

I truly thank god that at least this body is 170 cm,  in my old body I was pretty much 190 I think.

Leo sighed and continued walking and then he saw many magician students walking towards their classes and true to Alexa word at the end of the hallway was class 1b.

Leo ran afraid of being late and entered the class hurriedly and opened the door. There were over 20 students here and one of them was charlie dasher … the elven prince… better ignore that guy.

Leo looked around for the heroine but it looks like she didn't arrive yet but he did see someone interesting adria abnus..

Adria abnus is the daughter of a very famous duke. I mean her family is very smart and most of them do end up as high strong magicians or high priests.....
.. She is also the famed villainess of this novel.

Why did she become the villainess i guess jealousy, the heroine was better than her in everything she even stole her fiance but that is such a stupid reason she could have found a lover and then poof problem gone.

Leo tried to find his name on the tables and just like how he liked it,  his seat was the last seat but the problem is he's not beside the window and a bigger problem is...

. he is  sitting between the elven prince and the villainess.

What did i do to deserve such a hate god please answer me.

Leo cried internally in despair.

🤭🤭🤭 Sorry guys ik I am a bit late for uploading a chapter but I am already grade 10 and I have to take this year seriously 😒😒😒

And my monthly exams are soon 😭

anyways ik this chapter is very short but I am so sorry my mind is just on fire now 😔😔 I will try to upload more in the near future

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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