~Chapter 6~

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♡Eun-hye pov♡

What a strange day...

I hold the mug of hot chocolate in both my hands as I gaze outside the window that separates the cold wind and the pouring rain from the silent living room. It's been almost 4 hours since I came home after today's events and I feel even more emotionally exhausted on this day. My eyes blur as I land in a familiar daze lost in a blank state of mind where I don't know what to think or how to process what I want to think about.

The eery silence in the house fills my ears. I never liked living in a place so silent, not thst I don't like sitting in silence but this just felt so...lonely. Like I'm left alone and even if I meet new people they always move on just like almost everyone does in my life. Just like how I've done with many people...

I make the mistake of turning head and catch sight if my reflection immediately cringing at the sight of my empty gaze.

No I promised myself not again!

I put my mug down as I rub my face with both hands. I can't believe that just because I met 2 new people who are basically strangers, I feel lonely and empty inside the place I live in with my bestfriend. Has it really been that long that I've met someone that showed so much kindness that I weirdly became attached to the need to want more and wish that I could be their friend? Or is it because I got reminded that the person that I want in my life is still not apart of it...

Why does my mind always manage to turn my thoughts this toxic?

I let out a bitter chuckle feeling the happiness of the escape my mind had today fade just as fast as the memory of the café passes through my mind. I guess no matter what I'm destined to punish myself with sadness on this day no matter the fact that it's my birthday.

I sigh leaning back against the couch until my eyes catch sight of a black umbrella. A small smile ghosts on my lips as I focus on the memory of the second stranger I met today with his adorable dog. I really do hope I see him again so that I can give his umbrella back but if not at least he somehow made me stray from my thoughts...I mean even if he didn't realise it he was one of the parts of my day that made me feel okay again and made me forget about the tragedy the universe caused me to have.

"What was his name again? Taeyon? No wait...Tay- wait wait Taehyung?" I whisper out loud and almost laugh at how my thoughts began to wonder again. I really need to focus more but I guess that's something everyone I know tells me just like...

"Eun-hye~ my wonderful girlfriend always wondering off to the weirdest things!"

"What does that mean? I just said the clouds look so pretty!"

"And what were we talking about before you said that?"

He looked at me with an amused smile and his eyebrow arched. I almost lose focus in his handsome face before he laughs out loud making me deflate knowing he could tell I lost focus again.

"Well first of all we were busy talking about what we were going to eat tonight and right when we both agreed to make dinner together, you looked up and your whole face lit up seeing a pretty cloud"

I scrunch my nose up looking away as he breaks out laughing because I can't deny it. Suddenly I feel two large warm hands cup my face turning it. I come face to face with glittering doe eyes and my embarrassment fades as he stares at me with a warm smile.

"Aigoo you're so cute~" He squishes my cheeks and plants multiple kisses on my lips making me giggle.

"Yah! You are the cute one here~" I surprise him by taking his face in both my hands and squishing his cheeks too. We both end up looking like fishes on dry land since we both stay like that. "Why don't we call this a draw? My face will hurt if you squish it for any longer"

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