~Chapter 29~

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I guess this isn't so bad....

I sit on the grey couch holding the small kitten that crawled onto my lap as I smile while petting him. His wide green eyes flutter shut as cute purrs sound from him and I melt at the softness.

If only I could be a cat with none of the worries and thoughts I have...

I look up from petting the kitten to see Aera smiling and talking to Felix, Jeongin and their soulmates Minho and Jisung we met when we entered the café. After introductions were made it all went smoothly and they all are really nice.

We learned that they have 8 soulmates in their soulgroup and that the others also either stayed home or went to their works. The four of them are extremely nice and funny so it wasn't a hard decision to sit near them at the table next to theirs which still made talking easy to each other. It isn't hard to see the soulmate bonds between them all at how they playfully bickered with each other with no real heat in the arguments which only made me and Aera laugh at their silly conversations.

They are warm and welcoming, yet something set off in me when they began talking to us about their soulmates. I may have zoned out for a few minutes when they all began talking after that until we all took our orders. There is nothing wrong with them at all but strangely with each minute that passed I felt more inclined to sit by myself which is why I excused myself to play with the kittens until our orders came.

I really misjudged how ready I am for talking to people again...

I feel the happiness and the genuine niceness of them all but the one thing friendship has learned me in the past is that it hurts ten times more than one can imagine and I realise that I don't want to put my trust in friendship once again so soon. Their conversation about their soulmates set off memories which I couldn't shut out as it held fresh deep emotions in all of them.

Who knew I could get so attached to them so fast...now it's just...gone

The hope I had for my friendship is now only the hope to fix things between us and part ways but to have new friends is something that I'm wary of.

But then again the chances it can go wrong again is not high....well unless they somehow know Jungkook and all the guys and then it all spirals out of control once again-

"Hey Eunie you okay?" I break out of my thoughts as I look up from the cat to see Aera with her head tilted in question with a caring look on her face. I smile up at her and nod my head with a sigh and she takes the seat next to me petting the purring kitten.

"I can tell you have something on your mind but I won't force you to tell me, take your time okay? In both your mind and physically. Take your own pace with things and your own time when you want to talk about it." She says and just a few seconds later a large ginger cat jumps up on her making her coo at the cute cat.

"Thank you Aera"

I seriously value and love her so much...my sister soulmate

I smile as she just shakes her head lightly before petting the cat on her lap and I go back to petting the cat on my lap as I look at the table with the 4 guys that are chatting with each other.

"I see you made fast friends with Felix, Jeongin, Minho and Jisung. They all are really nice." I add pressing my lips lightly together. I wanted to add something else but held back knowing that my overthinking thoughts would just spill out how I feel at the moment and I don't want to make Aera feel bad. She hums looking up from the cat as she smiles lightly at me.

"Yeah they are nice people even though we don't know them well. It's still funny how we just met and how you recognised one of them. The world really is strange with meetings" She shrugs lightly and I nod swallowing down a bitter laugh at the end of her words.

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