~Chapter 3~

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-5 years later-
-Present time-

The cold breeze greets me as the sun hides behind the clouds before it rises as a wake up call for all the people that wakes up for their jobs, school or daily life activities. I kick my legs looking down on the ledge I'm sitting on of the roof of the apartment building. A small smile ghosts my lips. Times like these is therapeutic for my broken soul wrapped in bandages along with my heart. I take a lonely strand of my hair noticing how long it has grown. When it once reached just a bit longer then shoulder length it now reaches just beneath my waist.

I look up at the half lit up sky feeling memories poor over my mind. It feels like a sad movie that I'm watching as a 3rd party not really apart of it but I can only blame myself for that after I emotionally distanced myself from some of my memories to not go insane with heartbreak. The world is already a lonely place isn't it?

I still can't believe it's been 5 years. Today I'm 'celebrating' my 25th birthday with nobody of my past next to me. It feels as if I erased a whole page filled with irreplaceable memories and feelings creating a blank page which forces me to leave it blank out of guilt.

I feel my eyes start burning as my vision blurs and I huff a laugh at myself. A pathetic feeling really to be sad for something I chose. I chose to leave and I chose to break both our hearts but I still stand by my point it was for the best.

It's sad right? Here I am crying and still hopelessly in love after 5 years knowing that he might have moved on and might probably already forgotten about the feelings he had for me.If only the world didn't work based on a soulmate system then maybe it all would have felt like a bad nightmare. A really terrible nightmare. Unfortunately for me and the rest of the people like me there is little hope for finding someone just as special as a soulmate.

I sigh blowing out the cold air like smoke leaving my mouth that brings up memories. I look down at my arm not needing to lift up my sleeve to look at my permanent memory that is inked on my skin and feels like a barrier between a punishment and a treasure since it reminds me that I left but it also reminds me of the love I won't be able to forget. I kiss my teeth shaking my head. Honestly why do I always try to keep myself so miserable when I want to be happy for him.

I run my hand through my hair pulling it slightly. "What a nice way to start a day right?" I inhale deeply closing my eyes.

"You know if you wanted to jump of the building the least you could do is clean your room before you do it" I gasp opening my eyes wide looking behind me seeing a very familiar presence behind me supporting a arched brow with a soft smile.

"Aera! You scared me!" I let out in a soft breath still trying to recover from the scare. She rolls her eyes playfully before she walks closer and takes a place next to me on the edge. I look away after she sits next to me close enough to feel her warmth.

"Have you been up here for long?" She asks and I respond in a hum still looking at the sky. She hums back, clearly she knew the answer before since we both live together for the last 4 years. She knows me better then I know myself sometimes so I'm sure she knew that interrupting me too soon would have been a bad idea.

She sits in silence next to me and I look down at my hands covered by a fluffy purple sweater. "Thank you for giving me time..." I look up at her face seeing her gentle warm smile. She always manages to make me feel like I could share everything with her and she wouldn't judge me at all. Perhaps it's because she took it apon herself to announce herself as my official sister just a week after I met her. Her being in my life really saved me more then she knows. "I know how hard today is for you and I know you need a warm hug after spending your early morning up here." I let out a soft giggle as she wraps her long arms around me in a hug.

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