~Chapter 16~

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The strange pause in the atmosphere quickly dissapears as Taehyung steps inside with confusion obvious on his face but he still manages to have a big smile on his face as he comes closer to the table where the three of us are sitting.

"Hobi-hyung and Jin-hyung...you know Eun-hye too?" Taehyung looked at the two of them infront of me with a tilted head as he frowned slightly.

"Wait Eun-hye this is your friend? Taehyung?" Hoseok asked as he turned to me with wide eyes. To say the shock on my face was alot would be an understatement on how stunned I felt. It's funny at this point but still I can't help but feel a strange feeling at all the coincidences.

It's a little too many coincidences...hmm

"Well yes actually she is the girl I talked about with Yeontan running her over, with the grocery incident and with the meeting last night. Wait is she the girl that is Jimin's and Hobi-hyung's new friend?" Taehyung said before he asked Jin who blinked surprised at him.

Wait so everyone knows I was run over by a cute small dog?

"She is?! That kinda makes sense with the fact that you said your friend called you back home and then with everything the others said and- wait wow I'm shocked..." Hoseok stared at me with wide eyes and I gave an awkward smile at him. I honestly don't know how to respond to any of this.

"What about you Jin-hyung? How do you know Eun-hye?" Jin shook his head out of his shock as he motioned for Taehyung to sit down which was the seat next to me. Taehyung gave me a sweet smile as he sat down before he switched his gaze between me and Jin.

"Well I actually met her today so I also learned of her being friends with Jimin and Hobi a while ago. I accidently ran into her...literally" He gave a shy smile as Taehyung gasped before turned to me.

"Hyung! Oh my- I know how much it hurts to be flattened like a pancake if Jin falls onto you, are you okay Eun-hye? Did he do any serious damage to you?" He asked with concerned eyes and I almost wanted to laugh at the way he said flattened like a pancake but held it in.

"Yeah I'm okay, it was technically my fault as I pulled him back and we tripped causing him to fall onto me. I only pulled him back because a few seconds before I saw there was a gap and I didn't want him to fall getting any injuries so yeah...not hurt alot only a few scrapes and a ankle that hurts but it's nothing serious" I shrugged with a soft smile but it only made Taehyung's eyes widen.


"Taehyung? What are you doing here?" Taehyung was interrupted and I let out a sigh as Jimin came walking towards us with a confused expression. It's not that I don't want him here but I still have an achy back and all this explaining is still confusing and as surprising to me like it's well known.

"I came here because I wanted to eat at my soulmates' café while meeting up with a new friend which turned out to be the same person you all are friends with? Oh and Namjoon and Yoongi know her too because we all met last night. She is also the girl that Namjoon followed looking like a stalker but that was sorted out...I think we told you about this...or maybe he hasn't said anything yet but yeah."

How is Taehyung so blunt sometimes? Is he like that with secrets too?

"I- stalker...what?!" I felt bad for Jimin at this point as it looks like he was just told that 1+1 is actually 3 since 2 never existed. Not that that makes any sense but I'm sure he feels the same way as he gets thrown the new information. Honestly it's slightly amusing but it seems Taehyung loves sharing that story.

"To clear this up before we have the same situation as last night, Namjoon followed me but only to give me back my phone that accidentally fell after I met Taehyung a few moments earlier in the store. I didn't know I dropped my phone so I didn't even think about it when I heard footsteps behind me, long story short it was a big misunderstanding and talked it out after we both apologized since I hit him in self defense from fear."

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