~Chapter 10~

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"AERA?!!" I shout out as I step inside and take off my shoes sliding on the slippers. I try my best to not fall with the speed I am moving in as soon as the slippers are on and I rush to the living room.

"Aera?!!" I scream out not liking the silence where I can only hear my heartbeat in my ears. I wait for a second until I hear the voice I was praying to hear.

"Eun-hye!! HELP! HELP I'M BEING ATTACKED" I don't stop to think for a second before I run where I heard her voice in the kitchen. My body fills with fear and my mind threathens to blank on me as I try not to panic. I nearly trip over my own feet before I finally reach the room panting out of breath as I scan the room. I frantically look around but once my eyes catch sight of the familiar figure I do a double take before I freeze.

What in the living ducks....

"You....you have got to be kidding me."  I stare with wide eyed as my jaw drops at the caos my eyes take in. The whole kitchen is a mess. Broken plates on the floor, ketchup or what I hope is all over the wall and the counter, flower on the counters and a very familiar woman I call my bestfriend holding a frying pan in her hands defensively with her whole appearance looking like the kitchen. I scan the kitchen again looking for the threat yet I still find nothing. No person,

What in the world-

"Eun-hye~ finally!" Aera's eyes light up in hope at the sight of me but I'm still speechless. Nothing processes in my mind as it blanks at an explanation for all this. I just ran all the way from the café after I left so quickly in a rush because I was afraid of what was wrong but this was definitely not what I expected. I still see no threat in sight making my brain go numb.

Please tell me there is a good explanation for all this or else I swear I will break down in tears from  seeing this

"Aera...what...what is this?" I ask slightly pointing at the mess in front of me but instead of am answer she runs up to me shoving the pan into my hand before ducking behind me.

"No time to explain! You need to kill the thing that attacked me!" I wince ar how loud she screams in my ear before looking in the direction she points at with her hand. I squint slightly trying to see what she is talking about.

"Aera what the-" My jaw drops and the words fall numb on my tongue when I spot the thing moving thing.

"I swear I will explain everything but first please kill it!!" I whip my head to her in shock as I stare at her without any words coming out.

This girl..did NOT just call me home to kill a cockroach...out of all the serious things I was scared of it could be. I literally thought she saw Jung- you know what I should be thankful yes calm down.

I take a deep breath closing my eyes and ignoring the nails clutching at my arm before I open my eyes again and send straight glares at the ugly dirty roach.

This is for making me run away from nice people!

I don't know who I thought I was at the moment but with a new determination I took off the slipper from my right foot and launched it in an unknown speed. It didn't even feel real how fast the slipper moved until it hit the invader making a small squish sound sound through the kitchen.

Ohh my slippers that was disgusting...

A moment of sleince follows until I sigh looking at Aera with raised eyebrows. Her expression looks shocked as she blinks slowly at the scene before she turns to me with a sheepish smile.


"Okay I know this looks like-"

"Like you made me run all the way home from who knows where just to kill a cockroach?" I sigh as she nods her head before I wave my hand.

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