~Chapter 15~

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~Eun-hye pov~

I step inside the café as I am greeted by the fairly busy place. A smile stretches on my lips as I see Jimin and Hoseok working together behind the counter so smoothly that it seems like they are in sync. I step closer not noticing the fact that Jin never stepped inside yet. My smile just widens the moment Jimin looks up and freezes in place.

"Wow! Good morning Eun-hye!" Jimin greets me sounding surprised but happy to see me as he waves his hand at me. I smile at him and wave before a hand on his shoulder startles him making me choke on my laugh. "Yah! Hobi-hyung you scared me!" He shouted with a smile as Hoseok flicked his forehead smiling at his soulmate making him scoff at him as Hoseok walked over to the counter calling me closer with his hand. "Good morning Hoseok!" I greeted him with a smile before walking up to the two of them. "Morning Eun-hye! It's a good to see you so here today! I didn't know you got so obsessed with this place so soon"

I shake my head laughing as Hoseok teases but Jimin huffs with a smile. "Don't mind him he is just really happy to see you too, by the way are you here to-"

Before he could finish his sentence the bell of the café door dinged. I already knew who it was even if it did slightly confuse me why he didn't directly come in after me since he was behind me but I won't question it since he could have been on a call or just stood staring at the door.

Wait no that's weird to just stare at the door it makes no sense

I shake my thoughts away as I turned around with a small smile. Jin enters the café with a beaming smile as he casually walks in drawing attention. His eyes are focused at the front where me, Jimin and Hoseok are standing and somehow from the distance it seems as if his smile forms into a slight smirk.

Are my eyes deceiving me? It has to because there is no reason for him to smirk...unless he knows something someone else doesn't know...it's not me right? Yeah can't be I mean we literally met almost right now so there would be no reason for that face...

Oh no my trust issues are kicking in now...

"Sorry I took so long to get inside I was busy-"

"HYUNG!" I get startled and cover my ears in shock as Jin's wide smile drops from shock aswell. The loud yell came from Jimin who stood with a wide smile as he stared at the man.

He knows him? Wait....hyung...Jin...Jin-hyung? Is that him? But many people have similar names or the same maybe I'm just getting into-

"Jiminie our poor ears! Why did you yell?" Hoseok shakes his head before he gives Jin a bright smile which makes my stunned mind not process alot at the moment.

"Hyung it's good to see you back so soon! Jimin told me you said that you were on your way. So where is the lovely hero that saved you according to what you said to Jimin? Did she come with you or did you already part ways?" Hoseok asked as he looked at Jin with hope and I could feel my jaw drop.

Say what now?

I really should stop thinking my visits to the café will be normal but this is definitely not what I expected so early in the morning especially after earlier events that already drained half of my social and awake battery. It's slightly funny to think that all the weird scenarios left me to meet new people who are somehow connected with a few of the others I met.

"Well she is actually standing right in front you both! Meet Eun-hye-ssi the one who saved me from a bad injury. These two are actually two of my soulmates" Jin tried to introduce me to Jimin and Hoseok as I stared at Jin with wide eyes.

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