~Chapter 7~

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Hii this is my last update for a while so that I can focus on my exams so I hope you enjoy😁💜

Stay safe💜


"How did I even end up here..."

I mumble under my breath as I stare up at the sign of the café, Epiphany café. It's been 3 days since I've been here, 3 days since my birthday. 3 days of ignoring the weird wanting feeling of coming back here. The days passed like a blurry and I'm finally back into my boring routine of waking up, eating, searching for a job since I quit my last one but still miserably failing in getting one, crying, napping, writing sometimes, eating, staring at at the window and so on until it's time to sleep again.

But yet again I ask how did I even end up here...

After I woke up early this morning it was like my mind was searching for any reason to come here. After 10 minutes of debating whether I should come or not my solution came when Aera had to run out without making breakfast and my mind somehow saw this as a sign to eat breakfast here. A clear sign that I shouldn't go into the kitchen to make my own breakfast like I usually would when she would leave in a hurry after she needs to go in.

It was a sign right?

It is still really early though so I don't think it is too busy like last time, they are open this early right?

I sigh scratching the back of my head as I step forward. No harm can come from this, I just need to stop overthinking this since I would have come back anyway so now is as good of a time as ever. Just one step at a time for trying to be more social and going to places.

The warmth of the inside hits my face as I enter with the little jingle of the glass door but I freeze mid step inside when I see the café empty of any customers. I feel my heart start beating faster and my cheeks flush in embarrassment. They are open right?

My eyes slowly scan the empty place and the urge to go out becomes stronger with a small part of me sad that somehow I was hoping that they would be open and busy which would make me stay longer.

My thoughts get cut off when a sweet voice fills the air and a light laugh makes me turn my head to the heavenly sound. Just as my eyes land on the door leading to another part of the café I see a familiar face emerge from it with a large smile and his eyes almost dissapearing as he laughs back at something. My eyes go even wider as another person follows behind him and I instantly recognize him as the other handsome worker that worked behind the counter with him when I was here.

Just as I momentarily reboot my mind on what to do glittery brown eyes widen as their gaze lands in the direction of the entry. The entry...the door of the café...wait...

Oh my fluff nuggets he is looking at me! Move Eun-hye MOVE!

My body moves on autopilot as I take a step forward not realising I'm not making the situation any better. I know running out of the café would have been even weirder but atleast that would have spared me from having to explain why I'm here while they are still closed. I know I should try to figure out why I feel this awkward and mindless but truthfully all I want now is to backtrack out of here. The two males stop after Jimin spotted me and I can see the other taller male look at him confused before he spots me aswell. Silence passes by as he stares straight at me. What I did not expect is to see a heart shaped smile decorate the unknown male's face as his eyes move from me to Jimin and back to me.

Another beat of silence follows until the silence gets broken by a wide eyed Jimin sporting a light red spread over his cheeks. "G-Good morning! Ah sorry we didn't expect anyone to come in so early since we just opened up!" The two of them split as Jimin walked up to me and the other male walked go go behind the counter with a non faltering smile that made me feel suspicious.

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