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"I'm starting to understand that the longer you get away with something, the more reckless you become, until it's almost as if you want to get caught." ― Kate Elizabeth Russel

" ― Kate Elizabeth Russel

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"Who's currently up in the air?" The admiral asks looking down at the radio operator sitting down on his left. "Delta and Tango, Apollo and Spitfire"

"Oh lord have mercy, Apollo and Spitfire? God save us all from those two." The admiral sighs and looks at the screen in front of him, showing multiple F-18 aircrafts before glancing behind as another Admiral walks up to him.

The radio operator clears his throat and points at the monitor, "Sir, it looks like a bogey coming directly from the north."

"I didn't know we were expecting anyone today..." The admiral frowns and looks down at the screen. He places his hand on the radio operator and nods at him before walking towards the captain of the ship, David Newman, the other Admiral following.

The radio operator presses comms, "Falcon 2, this is ZEUS 1... we have unknown contact inbound. Your vector is zero nine zero for bogey."

"Copy that Zeus 1 – contact 30 left at 200, 900 knots closure." Comes the reply from Apollo, Spitfire's RIO.

In the cockpit of Falcon 2, two display screens are showing various types of data. The bottom screen shows a radar sweep with 3 flashing dots – followed shortly after by 4. "Uhh Spitfire we got another bogey – contact 20 left 150, 900 knots. Both are coming straight for us!" Apollo says to his pilot who only grins.

"We got this Apollo, rock and roll remember? Just keep me updated on their position." Spitfire says, her words coming out breathy as she tries to breathe through the high altitude. "Delta, Tango – combat spread."

"Bogey 1 and 2 closing fast. ZEUS, this is Falcon 2. Contact 2 bogeys. 090 at 20 miles, 900 knots of closure."

"I wonder if they just came to say hello? They'd be sure to want to meet THE Apollo and Spitfire right?" Spitfire laughs as her RIO moves around frantically behind her – still searching for the two enemy planes. "Oh they're definitely messing with the wrong crew," comes the reply from Apollo.

"JESUS they're on our tail Spitfire." Delta says over the comms. "Delta break left when I tell you. Try a high-roll underneath and break out the bottom." Spitfire rushes out while trying to look back at her wingmen. "BREAK LEFT NOW!"

Delta breaks left while Spitfire breaks right, the two bogeys fly by startled – not expecting the sudden movements. "Oh we got 'em now!" Spitfire laughs into comms.

"Seems like we got a dogfight on our hands boys... let's give these bogeys a little scare. Apollo, think you'll be able to help communicate with these foreigners?" Spitfire grins while hinting at their signature move. They've been doing this since their days back at Top Gun – although apparently a few hotshot pilots back in the day invented it.

Apollo laughs and slaps his pilot on the shoulder, "rock and roll baby, rock and roll."

"Delta I think you know what to do? Try and scare bogey 2 off for us – we'll handle bogey 1 if you know what I mean..." Spitfire says into comms while flying into the clouds above them, vanishing from sight.

"Yes ma'am!" Delta shakes his head, focusing on trying to target lock the bogey in front of him.

Bogey 1 looks around, no F-18 in sight. He scans the sky frantically but to no avail, he doesn't see anything but an empty blue sky and clouds. For a few moments he considers going back to his own base but before thinking about it any further, he feels a presence above him.

The pilot slowly looks up and behind him, only to see an F-18 plane slide into an inverted position above him – canopy to canopy. "Jesus Christ," he swears while trying to stay cool. No one has ever, in his entire life, done a move like that on him. Spitfire and Apollo stare back at the pilot, who's very obviously trying to keep calm. Spitfire lets out a short laugh and waves at him while Apollo stares, only to show him the bird a moment later.

"Foreign communications have been achieved Spitfire." The pilot in the bogey shakes his head and pushes negative G's, flying hard down and away – like a dog with its tail between its legs.

"And that, gentlemen, is how you do it, float like a cadillac but sting like a bee." Spitfire pumps her fist in the air and highfives her RIO sitting behind.

"Bogey 2 is heading home Falcon 2 – target lock has been acquired." Delta's deep rich voice cuts through the silence, his grin being heard quite clearly. Before Spitfire can respond, the radio operator's voice rings through the comms, "Falcon 1 and 2, this is Zeus, please report back to deck immediately."

Delta levels out his plane next to Spitfire and waves at her before throwing out a few handsignals – ones that they taught themselves as to not be heard over the radio by their superiors.

Want to have some fun? Delta signs out and Spitfire nods, when do I ever say no to fun?


"HOW CAN YOU BE SO RECKLESS? Putting the lives of your RIO's at risk and for what exactly? A bit of fun?" The admiral shouts and slams his hand down onto the desk, looking away from his two best pilots. After a few minutes he sighs, "breaching the hard deck, ignoring orders from your superiors and flying your planes with little to no fuel? What am I going to do with you two?"

Spitfire tenses up, shifting on her feet while glancing behind the admiral at the wall filled with photos of different fighter pilots – her eyes glazed over as if deep in thought. Standing erect beside her was Delta, listening intently at Admiral Wildcat. "Lieutenant Delta, you are dismissed – we will be speaking soon about your behaviour these last couple of months." Wildcat glares at him with a soft look in his eye, he's always had a weak spot for these two.

Delta nods his head and heads out with a "Yes sir." Spitfire is shaken out of her daydream as Delta leaves and starts to follow. "Not you Spitfire, we still need to have a few words," Admiral Wildcat stares at her with a pointed look.

Spitfire retreats back to the spot she was standing prior, this time actually paying attention to the man infront of her. He stares at her for a while before shaking his head, "you're a reckless flyer Spitfire, sometimes even too reckless," he pauses, "but you're also one of the best pilots I've ever seen in my life – and that's saying something."

Spitfire stands up straighter but says nothing, she's learned from her mistake in the past – interrupting an Admiral mid motivational speech. A shudder runs through her small body as she remembers the 300 pushups that she had to endure. Wildcat walks from around his desk and stands directly infront of her.

"It's a good thing I won't have to deal with both of you these next upcoming weeks – Congratulations Spitfire, you have been personally requested for a mission back at Top Gun."


top gun: maverick plot and characters do not belong to me.

Author note:

Ever since I've watched the new top gun movie, I've been obsessed with it and well.. decided to write a book about it haha - I will start uploading chapters soon, no need to fret loves!

Who do you think Spitfire's love interest will be?

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