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Pure Teddie fluff and some smut at the end👀👀 also this is my first time writing smut so if it's bad, then act like you didn't see it


As Talia laid in bed, she couldn't help but think about Eddie and how he was all alone in that dingy boathouse. It had been over two hours since her mother had left her room, the clock on her bedside table slowly approaching one o'clock, and she could not fall asleep, no matter how hard she tried.

She sighed, flipping over onto her back and glaring at her ceiling as a plan formed in her mind. She sat up with newfound determination, pushing her blankets off and making her way to her bedroom door. She locked it before slipping her shoes on and grabbing her keys.

Talia then carefully opened the window next to her bed, throwing her leg over and feeling around for the wooden trellis that was connected to the side of her house. Once she was fully out, she clutched onto the top of the trellis with one hand and used the other to push her window shut, then carefully climbed the rest of the way down.

Worried that the sound of her car starting would wake her parents, she put it into neutral and slowly pushed it down her street before climbing in and making the drive out to Lover's Lake.

The car was painfully quiet as Talia drove, the teen overthinking the plan she had made. She desperately wanted to bring the Munson boy at least some sort of comfort, but she was scared he wouldn't want it.

Her relationship with Eddie was complicated, and the two often found themselves crossing boundaries and then redrawing them. Eddie Munson professing his love for her was a definite boundary crossed and, while she knew that this wasn't something Eddie had taken lightly before saying, she was still scared.

When Talia arrived at Reefer Rick's, she softly knocked on the door to the boathouse before entering, not wanting to startle Eddie. The shed had a small overcast of light from the moon that creeped in the windows, just enough for her to make out Eddie's curly head peeking out from the boat.

"Eddie? It's Talia," she called out softly, moving further into the boathouse and closing the door behind her. She stood silently as he began to shuffle around.

"Lia? What are you doing here, I thought you were coming back tomorrow?" Eddie asked concerned, climbing out of the boat. Talia pulled her lips into her mouth, secretly thankful that it was dark enough to hide her nervousness.

"I couldn't sleep," she said, still standing by the door.

There was a pause, and Talia watched as Eddie slightly moved his feet, "Couldn't either," he admitted, trying to keep his voice light to hide what he was really feeling, "turns out sleeping in a boat for three days isn't the most comfortable thing to do."

Talia slowly stepped forward, "That's why I came, actually," the words rushed out of her mouth. Eddie made a noise of confusion, his brows furrowed. Talia continued moving closer until she was just a few feet away, close enough to make out the features of his face.

"My parents are sleeping," Talia started off, uncertainty tinged her voice, "I was thinking I could sneak you in—you could shower, sleep for a few hours? Unless you think it's stupid for me to even ask...since you could be seen...or something."

Eddie felt a warmth in his chest. He bit back a grin, "So, you were so worried about lil' ole me, you couldn't sleep?"

"Shut up," Talia muttered, lips pursed as she tried not to smile.

"You're sure your parents are sleeping?" He asked, silently contemplating the suggestion. Eddie desperately wanted to say yes—he hadn't felt this gross in a long time—but he was terrified of being seen by the wrong person.

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