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Talia had been tucked into Eddie's side, fast asleep, as the RV made its way to War Zone, the place Eddie had known about. The two teens had been sat at the small table, across from Dustin and Robin, while Lucas and Erica found seats behind them on the counter. Nancy sat in the passenger seat while Max took refuge on the bench seat in the back.

A small chatter filled the otherwise quiet air as Steve and Nancy spoke, Lucas and Max's soft voices joining in after the boy gathered the courage to leave his spot and try his luck. Eddie snuck a glance down to the girl leaning against him, missing the way Robin's eyes followed his movement.

"You really care about her, don't you?" She questioned softly, gaining both Eddie and Dustin's attention. Eddie's stomach turned as he looked at her, arm unintentionally tensing around Talia.

"I do," he admitted.

Robin smiled slightly, Dustin biting back his own toothy grin. Robin thought for a moment, "It makes sense, you know. You and her. Eddie the freak Munson and Talia the slut Wheeler. Both with stupid reputations from people who don't even know you guys."

"If people weren't such idiots, they'd see how awesome you really are," Dustin added.

Eddie didn't say anything, just shrugged his shoulders as he snuck a glance at the sleeping Wheeler girl again. He couldn't help but think that they were wrong. Yes, Talia wasn't anything like what people said she was...but he was. He was almost twenty years old and still in high school, he played freak games with his freak friends, and he wasn't anything special. Eddie Munson didn't know what Talia saw in him, but he prayed to whatever God was out there that she'd never unsee whatever it was.

The three awake teens didn't say much after that, merely making small comments now and then. It stayed like that until they reached the store, where Eddie stayed seated to not wake his girl while Steve, Nancy, Robin, Max and Erica ventured inside. Eddie couldn't have gone with them anyways, he was a wanted man after all.

Talia stayed asleep the entire time they were in there, not even the slamming open of the door startling her from her rest. The group was panicked as they packed into the RV, holding various bags in their hands.

"What happened?" Lucas questioned, confused by their abrupt entrance.

"We gotta go," Steve replied, sliding into the drivers seat.

Erica rushed in next, "Your old friends are here."


"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Dustin demanded, finding a safe seat while the others entered and did the same.

"I'm going! I'm going, sit down!" Steve yelled back, starting up the engine and pulling off as the others situated themselves.

It was the harsh jerking of the RV pulling onto the main road that finally woke the sleeping Wheeler girl. The brunette slowly blinked her eyes open, scrunching her nose as she stretched in her spot. Her whole body was sore, neck still throbbing from the attack of the bats.

"What's going on?" She muttered, fulling sitting up and pulling her weight off of Eddie. He glanced over at her, flashing a soothing smile.

"Just leaving War Zone," he answered, tilting his head slightly as he looked at her, "they had a run in with Jason, but it's fine. They didn't see anything."

She nodded slightly, running over the information in her mind. His words did little to soothe the anxiety that bubbled in her stomach. Jason was dangerous, more than any of them thought.

Talia looked around, mentally counting them all before leaning back into Eddie's side. His arm snuck behind her and wrapped around her waist, holding her close to him.

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