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Dominic Toretto had been attending the funeral of Han Lue when he noticed a car driving slowly throughout the cemetery causing him to run to his car, knowing it was the same man who murdered Han. The Aston Martin and the Charger sped through the streets of LA before they came to a stop in a underground tunnel, where they faced each other and taunted one another by revving their engines. The two cars sped towards each other before they crashed causing the occupants to groan in pain, Deckard cracked his neck whilst Dom rolled his shoulder resulting in a similar crack.
"You never should have messed with a man's family." Deckard Shaw told Dominic after they both got out of their cars.
"I told your brother the same thing." Dom started, "Reinforced your chassis, it's like going into the ring with weighted gloves."
"Your mistake," Deckard started, "I'm not here to play games. See, you and me, we're from different worlds. Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to."
"Stick around," Dom told him as he lifted his sledge hammer, "It's about to get a lot meaner."
"You thought this was gonna be a street fight?" Deckard asked him as he pulled a semi-automatic gun on Dom.
"And your mistake?" A voice called out from the shadows, a voice Dom recognised causing him to smirk at the confused face of the older Shaw brother, "Thinking he was alone." Katerina told him as she stepped into the minimal lighting the tunnel had to offer. The light luminated her features making her seem like a goddess, perhaps a goddess of death considering her particular skillset, Deckard had never been able to put a face to her infamous name before now. Everyone in the intelligence community had heard of her but she was a ghost, no one had ever seen her enough to describe her as she was always in and out in a matter of minutes. Of course he knew her name, his little brother had admired the woman's capabilities and the destruction she had left behind in her wake, she was like him; a asset no government would ever admit to employing.
"Katerina Artyomov, right?" Deckard asked her just to be sure, the woman looked him up and down with a judgemental eye before she nodded slowly, "This isn't your fight, I'd stay out of it if I were you."
"Luckily for all of us, you're not me. And this has everything to do with me, especially considering the man your pointing your gun at is my cousin." Katerina told him as she slowly advanced forward, needing only to buy enough time for Mr. Nobody and their men to get into position.
"Kat, good to see you again." Dominic said, his smirk still prominent on his face.
"Dominic," Gun fire cut off Katerina's sentence as soldiers descended from the roof of the tunnel and fired toward Deckard and Katerina, who Deckard had pulled down behind his car for cover. Katerina seemed to be the only one of them two to notice how close their faces were, so close in fact her nose tickled his cheek causing him to face her and when he did his breath got caught in his throat. Her blue eyes pierced through the darkness and were surrounded by thick dark lashes which stood out against her fair skin, her sloped nose was touching the apple of his cheek and her perfectly plumped pink lips were parted in shock of how close the two were.