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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


"Bo... Bodi.. Can't we.. I mean... Can't this wait??!"

"No, we can't. This can't. I have been waiting for you, preparing for you, loving you since 3years, 6months, 9days, 20hours and the clock's ticking still. And, I know you were always aware of my feelings, even if subconsciously.. "

"No, I swear, I.. "

"Everyone in the set told you openly. Teased you with my name, but you choose to deny it. Remain oblivion..... "

XIAO ZHAN looked away, nervously and sighed.. YIBO sat besides him on the bed, in ZHAN'S bedroom, in his mansion and held his hand with his one hand while embracing him with another, caressing his back..

"Zhange, trust me it's now or never. It's now, because I can't live with never. Ge, you will never be able to accept your feelings for me, accept me, till it becomes a habit for you, a need for you, a happiness for you, only then this hesitancy, this doubt will leave your mind. "

"It's actually, Bo, if I or you were a girl and boy, it would have been... "

"It still would have been a long long time for you. If you were that easily accepting, MISS MENG ZOYE would be here, lying on your bed, naked.. "

"BODI!?! She's just a.. "

"Kid!?! "

YIBO said sarcastically.. ZHAN sneered.

"Immature kid. "

YIBO suddenly pushed ZHAN on the bed and said..

"Well, am not.. "

And crashed his lips with ZHAN'S. ZHAN just closed his eyes tight, his heart was pumping 1000s of litres blood in minutes. It was thumping so loudly that ZHAN was half scared of dying of Heart attack. And, when YIBO'S naughty hands invaded from under his PJ top, on his raw skin, ZHAN shuddered..

"Bo!! "

ZHAN suddenly hugged YIBO with his arms, kissing back fiercely.

It's not like SEAN XIAO ZHAN was a virgin or anything. He had his bed time with few flings and one night stands, but this was a whole lot different issue.

First, he didn't have feelings with anyone of them from before. He was highly good looking, smart, financially adequate, rising popular model and actor, and an adept flirt. He got girls easy. He had everything they wanted.

Secondly, those flings and night stands started as revenge on his ex girlfriend who left him and didn't just left, she left with a cussing word.. 'SMALL EYED CHUBBY PANDA' and ZHAN, who was pretty young then, only 20, took it to his heart gravely.

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