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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


WANG YIBO'S & XIAO ZHAN'S relationship started steady since then. They were boyfriends in secret. And colleagues for the world. This all happened while few more shooting for the drama 'THE UNTAMED' was still pending.

While shooting, and going for the drama's promotion events ect, WANG YIBO would always be openly teasing XIAO ZHAN, flirting with him, having lovey dovey moments, and showing off their intimacy and closeness to everyone. And though, most of the crews and staffs and other actors took  it as amusement and in a positive way, some others hated it, got irked and disgusted by it and some even saw this as an advantage to make some money and fame opportunity for themselves.

ZHAN'S manager, and PR team warned him repeatedly and so did YIBO'S. Whereas, ZHAN became cautious, YIBO was least bothered.


WANG YIBO was young blood, only 23, bold, hyper, impulsive, less mature and more hot headed, highly adventurous and daring on the top of that, someone who loved adrenaline rush, but XIAO ZHAN was different.

He was almost 29, and had seen and faced life and the world longer than YIBO. He knew how harsh the world could be to someone, especially the ones who were on the path of success and struggle. Envy, jealousy, hatred, people will have all kinds of negative emotions for them, just pure hatred, sometimes for no reason at all, other than false gut feeling and bitter eye. And these people will most of time try destroying the successful ones or pulling them back, so that they could surpass them in the path of success. Or simply ruin them for only ego satisfaction.

People always searched for opportunities. Opportunities, rather to destroy others than finding their own success. All that the haters & jealous people needed, was a chance, and they made sure the targeted person would be turned to dust.

XIAO ZHAN and others actors, even YIBO, who, by experience was senior than ZHAN in the entertainment industry, knew this ugly truth very well. YIBO even had faced these multiple times, in not only entertainment industry but other fields too, like in his racing career.

But then, in spite of getting warnings repeatedly, himself understanding the hazards, others making him aware of and understand the dangers, YIBO could not control himself. And why should he!?! He was successfully in true love for the first time in life.

YIBO was only 23. Since a very young age he had always been in bounds and like mits and control. Totally focused on career and future. Career of a dancer, a bike racer, a successful model, and a famous actor ect. So, it's not that he wasn't aware of the cruelty of the entertainment industry, in fact if safe to say, WANG YIBO was far more aware of the dirty industry and it's cruel policies and politics for each one. He had been in it, fighting, since a long time, whereas XIAO ZHAN had entered only recently, late in life. And understood the industry, for only shortly. That's why, though ZHAN was older in age than him, YIBO was senior in experience than him.


YIBO was alone for such long time, with only struggles in his life, struggle for gaining a face in the entertainment industry, became a somebody there, struggle to become a hard core Daredevil racer, a pro dancer, and a aspiring actor and model. He strived hard to gain fame & popularity, so that unlike his initial experience, particularly his first time on stage in Korea, he didn't have to get disappointed and feel lonely once up on stage to perform, cause no one was there to support him there initially.

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