3..🍄..FIRST 🍒PAST🍒 MEET..🍑..

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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


To say WANG YIBO's mood was off, would be underestimating his temper. He was ferociously pissed.



'97' BORN'

These words echoed in his mind like hammering and pierced his soul and heart. He kept drinking. Since the day he met XIAO SEAN ZHAN in the sets of THE UNTAMED.... He was disturbed and in continuous struggle, competition, internal war with himself.......

He tried to act cute with his Zhange and was treated as an adorable puppy. Zhan called him.... gǒu zǎi zi...(puppy) during an interview.

At first it made Bo happy, his Zhan Ge calling him adorable love names. But it all changed, when Zhan told everyone.....

'Yi Bo though pretends all mature, he's an adorable kid, a gǒu zǎi zi.'

And instantly memories hit him hard and Bo's all happiness disappeared to rage. Immense rage....

He tried to be mature with Bunny Zhan and was treated as serious kid by his Zhan Ge. In one interview Zhan said...

"Therefore I feel that teacher Wang Yi bo is really amazing. For a little kid born on 97', to be able to embrace a character like this... Actually, I feel that he's pretty incredible, really... "

And he gave a thumbs up to the interviewer...and Bo was baffled.
At first Zhan praised Bo on his dancing skills...he was like

"I knew Teacher Wang YiBo was a really good dancer, he danced really well, but then I found out he was a very good actor too. Though, he doesn't have so many dialogues, but the way he expresses via face and eyes are awesome.... "

And, Bo's happiness knew no bound. He felt proud. But then, when Zhan started by saying further, that he's really amazed that despite being so young, a 97' kid, he acted the mature Lan Wangji so flawlessly and how it really impressed him, Bo's blood boiled. It all came to kid at the end of the day....He changed his attitude more to pursue himself as a grown up mature man....persue his real feelings ....

He tried to act all intimidating and touchy towards his Zhan ge. Drinking tea from his bottle. Hitting him in intimate body areas, trying to show off his alpha side, discussing serious national and arts issues, that he would research carefully in Baidu, (app. similar to google used only in china) the previous night and flaunt in front of Zhan next day and trying hard to be protective and possessive for him on sets ect ect ect.....

He even sent macho man selfies of himself to his Ge and asked if he looked handsome. Even on set, after each get up, BO asked Zhan how he looked, constantly kept talking to him, bickering with him, giving him cute compliments. He followed Zhan everywhere like a pet puppy, ignoring everyone else, even if they are god, and giving all attention and importance to his Zhan ge only. He prohibited anyone and everyone from approaching or spending time with Zhan, shared vanity van, taught Zhan dancing, joked, fought.....In fact, did everything he had learned all these years, on how to impress and capture one's heart...

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