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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creator.]


A wedding was held, with few people and in secrecy on an island.

"Finally, it's a bliss we are able to let two lovers meet their destination. "

Na Ying said.

"Indeed it's a bliss

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"Indeed it's a bliss. "

Tsai chi agreed.

So did everyone else

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So did everyone else. Wang Han, Da Zhangwei, Qian Feng.

The grooms arrived

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The grooms arrived. It was none other than Sean Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo.


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After the incident at home, Colonel Rob took a posting at the far northern border of the country and severed all relationships with Sean Xiao Zhan.

On the other hand, a desperate, Wang Yibo called Na Ying.

"I need help. Help me to get back with Xiao Zhan.... "

"Look, if you are talking about Colonel Rob's relationship with Xiao Zhan, there's little I could do in this matter, Bodi. They are people with power. But I shall try. "

"Please. Please. Please I need my Zhan ge back. "

"Fine. Let me see what I can do, but I can't promise anything. Bodi these are matters of high levels, beyond my power, but colonel Rob's wife is kind of my good friend. So, I shall try. But dont assume anything positive. "

"At least you try. And I shall try something from my end. "

They say God helps them who helps themselves. So, maybe even God had a hand in everything, because at that same time, Major Wu Shuo, Colonel Rob Shuo's son rebelled against his relationship with Zhan. And as a result, Colonel Rob severed all relationships with Zhan and left for a long time to the northern borders, far from everything.

NaYing called Tsai Chi. Told her about Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo's relationship. And, using her political power, Tsai Chi bought an island named BoSean Yizhan Turtle Island.

And there in a modern but secretive way, two people got married to each other. Wang Yibo wedded to Xiao Zhan, in the presence of very close ones.

Initially, both Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan's parents were rock hard against the marriage. But after a lot of coaxing from everyone like Tsai Chi, Na Ying and Wang Han, they agreed but under the condition that their sons would give them lots of grandchildren via surrogacy methods. Lots, because the one child rule was now declined by the Chinese government. And only after Yibo and Zhan agreed, they gave their consent.

A secret marriage successfully was held and Yibo and Zhan started living cautiously as married couples. They did multiple dramas and movies. Acted in many series. Lots of rumours spread about their alleged affair with their female costar or to be truthful they let spread because it hid their real relationship with each other. Because no one knew they were actually already married.

"Bodi, enough, I have work tomorrow..."

"Zhange, whenever you are with me, I can't resist it. It's like a beast awakes in me... "

"This kid!?!! "

"What did you say!? "

"I!?! Haha, I said... My baobei, ma baby... I love you... "

"I am not your baby. You are my baby. My baobei bunny. "

"Yes, yes. Of course.. Ahh, bobo.. Oh god, that's too deep, my lion... "

"You deserve it bunny. See, deeper thrusts reminds you, my real name. I love you Zhange. "

"I love you, bodi....



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