Chapter 3: Trouble causing Problems

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What could the plan entail, I wonder?

Warning: Minor Violence, Language

"Boss, are you ok?" Sans asked again, nervously wringing his hands.

He gave Boss a second like he had asked. A couple of seconds actually, but now he was really starting to get worried. It was scary to see Boss like this.

Papyrus hazily opened his eyes, trying to focus on the ground below him. The longer he rested, the angrier he got.

"Sans..." He spoke in between breaths, "You little mother fucker. You- "

"I know... I-I'm really sorry."

"Oh, you're sorry?" He chuckled. "Sorry doesn't even begin to cover for this!"

Sans shrunk in on himself as Papyrus continued.

"Do you know what kind of disaster you could've caused? Do you even realize what I had to do!?"

Sans stared at the ground guiltily. He didn't know and he had nothing to say. What could he say?

Saying sorry could only do so much and in this case, it meant jack-shit. Their lives could've changed severely after today and it was all because he was too stupid to keep his damn mouth shut.

Papyrus huffed in frustration, shaking his head. "I cannot fucking believe this." He mumbled under his breath.

They stood in silence a while longer. Papyrus now had his arms crossed over his chest, his fingers fidgeting anxiously over his arm. 

Sans continued to stare at the ground, his gaze finally landing on Mishka.

"What are we gonna do with him?"

"Tsk. Leave the poor bastard here I guess."

"But if we do that..." Sans trailed off before continuing, "What if he wakes up and reports- "

"Trust me. He won't."

"W-What's that supposed to mean?" Sans asked nervously.

Papyrus exhaled deeply before replying, "It means it had to be done, Sans. There was nothing else I could do."

"Did you actually- "

"No, I didn't kill him. If I had, he'd be dust by now, now wouldn't he?" Papyrus looked over at Mishka with empty eyes and a solemn frown.

Sans knew he shouldn't but he had to ask, "What did you do?"

Boss continued to stare at Mishka with the same expression, almost like he was lost in thought.

"What I had to."

Sans flinched at the grim undertones of his brother's answer.

"I didn't mean to tell him. It was an accident."

That got a reaction. 

The taller faced him, a new fiery in his expression.

"I don't even want to hear it. Just go the fuck back home. I'll deal with you after my shift is over." He replied before storming off.

Sans was about to call after him but decided against it. It was probably for the best that Boss did go back to work so that he could cool down.

Still, this wasn't good. Boss, for one, was too calm and two, he almost never let Sans off the hook like that. Sending him home during his shift never ended well. He was severely pissed off and Sans was gonna feel his wrath.

He shuttered. Damn him and his stupid mouth.

'Damn Sans and his stupid mouth,' Thought Papyrus as he trudged along the path.

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